Chapter 42 - Highway to Hell

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["Highway to Hell"]

Rj: Well well. What do we have here? Okay, now. Drop your weapons.

Gideon: How about no.

Max: I don't think you are in any position to talk. Do what the boy said.

Leonev: Ah. Alright...

Kayle: You can't be serious.

"Leonev turned and winked at him"

Leonev: Just do what these guys said.

Rj: And also, drop the girl.

Kayle: What?

Reyna: Rj? Did you just hear what you said?

Rj: I mean...

Susan: Your pockets also, motherfuckers. In case of any unknown...device.

Leonev: Well. Since you ask so nicely.

"He proceeded to drop a small item from his pocket"


"The device exploded filling the area with black smoke"

Rj: "COUGH COUGH". What is this sound?

Reyna: Our bikes idiot. They took three of them! Okay. New plan. Max Kate and I will take the remaining bikes. Su' can you call the ship via autopilot?

Susan: Already on it.

"Meanwhile back on the road..."

Gideon: Can't believe we made it.

Leonev: Kayle. We will distract them. Go and find a place to hide and take care of Iren.

Kayle: How will you know where to find me?

Leonev: These bikes have a built in communication system from what I can see. We will use these. If we survive.

"Kayle nodded his head and took a different road"

Gideon: I wonder were these mercenaries are now----

"A rocket exploded just a few meters behind them"

Leonev: Here is your answer.

"A gunship was approaching but another ship blasted it out of the sky"

Susan: No reinforcements for you buddy.

Rj: Isn't strange that their own forces fired towards them?

Susan: Maybe they wanted to disrupt the road so the ground vehicles couldn't follow them. Who cares? Now let me drive.

Rj: Jeez girl. We got two more.

Susan: How the fuck did so many Rexians forces enter Earth?

Rj: Eh Zeon can you check the shield generator? I am getting nervous.

Susan: The shields are fine. Stay here Z'.

Zeon: I think my circuits will overload with these two.

"Meanwhile back on the road..."

Gideon: If only these ships were closer to the road.

"One of the mercenary ships flew over them and ejected a flying mine. As soon as Susan's ship crossed it, the mine left an electric wave"

Rj: Was that an EMP?

Susan: And a strong one. I am losing shields, speed, altitude and my patience. Zeon. How are you doing buddy?

Zeon: I am... I am... {System rebooting...}

Susan: Oh great.

"Leonev started slowing down and as soon as the ship was at ground level he jumped off the bike. For a few seconds the ship started grinding on the highway"

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