Chapter 24 - Repeating History

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["Repeating History"]

{Planet: Uranus}

RPU Crew Operator: Sir. We are detecting a large force coming from hyperspace.

Yain: Well. This should be interesting.

"EUF's forces come out from hyper space. All hell breaks loose as ships start firing at each other non-stop. Both sides deploy their fighters immediately"

RPU Commander: Holy shit. Look at the size of that thing!

Yain: Fucking hell. That's their best card yet. Get the fleet into defensive formation! Keep the ships away from that destroyer!

"This guy is good. Where do you think you are going, buddy?"

"I got three Hunters on my tail. I could use a bit of help."

"Crystal 2 turn around. You are getting too close to that corvette."

"I am getting destroyed over here!"

"Red Squadron break formation and defend those bombers."

"This is Blue Leader, we are starting our bombing run on that corvette on the left."

EUF Commander: This is "Apollus" we have enemy bombers on all sides. We need support.

EUF Commander 2: Don't worry "Apollus". We are on our way. I am sending an interceptor squad to assist you until we arrive.

RPU Commander 2: Power to the front shields. This destroyer is tearing us apart!

Morgan: Is the cannon ready?

Crew member: Yes sir.

Morgan: Good. Fire at will.

"The "Independence" charges and fires a powerful energy blast that destroys 2 RPU ships and it also heavily damages a third one"

Yain: What the hell was that? It destroyed them like they were made out of paper! Fuck...This is Admiral Yain. Spread the ships out. We need to minimise casualties!

Morgan: [Towards agents]This is David Morgan. Are you ready?

Rj: Ready as we would ever be.

Morgan: You know your target. Good luck.

Rj: Understood. On our way.

"EUF's team takes off from the super-destroyer's main hangar and are heading for the enemy capital ship"

Kate: Phantom and Jewel reporting in! We are right behind you.

Max: Shit. We have incoming fighters.

Susan: Just how many have they brought?! Oh crap. They locked us in!

EUF Interceptor Pilot: Don't worry. We have them!

EUF Interceptor Pilot 2: Go! We will hold them.

"Meanwhile, Morgan gives the order to fire the cannon once more"

Morgan: Fire the cannon!

"The "Independence" charges and fires again this time destroying 1 frigate, 3 corvettes and some smaller fighters that were caught in it's radius"

EUF commander 3: Independence! Watch were you're firing! You almost hit us with that!

Morgan: Be careful godamnit! Guys. This is David. What is your position?

Rj: We are almost there.

"Suddenly, Rexian ship operators spot the enemy team approaching their hangar area fast"

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