Chapter 38 - Heroes Don't Rest

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["Before the council - Heroes Don't Rest"]

{Location : Ghost Squad Quarters - West New York - USA}
{Time: XX:XX}

"Almost one week has passed after Rj and Susan's escape from Rexus Prime. The Squad is relaxing and training at their new quarters in New York"

Reyna: ...You've got to be kidding me. Kate. I can't believe such a serious person like you could do this! Especially with my brother!

Rj: Ah, could you relax for one second Rey? I'm not getting into your business, am I?

Kate: Yeah girl, we're not doing anything wrong. This is all normal.

Reyna: Oh, so now you find it normal to play video games with Rj for an hour instead of training or generally preparing for our next mission? Oh I don't know. If we're going to be like this, then maybe we should let those Rexians win the war even! How about that?!

Rj: Ah. Fine! I'm gonna prepare me something to eat. Win you next time, Kate.

Kate: Win you next time.

Reyna: Great...Hey, have you seen Susan?

Kate: Yeah, she's in her room.

Reyna: Right, thanks.

"Reyna goes in Susan's room. Some of her bruises are still visible from up close"

Reyna: Hey...

Susan: Oh, hi. Didn't see you there. I was just trying to pick some parts for Zeon. He needs an upgrade.

Reyna: Are know. Alright?

Susan: Yeah, I'm alright. Why?

Reyna: Don't know. I'm just...thinking of what happened to you back there...

"Susan stops what she's doing and stands still"

Reyna: Look I---

Susan: No. No, it's alright.

Reyna: Are you...sure?

Susan: Yeah, pretty sure. Look. What happened, happened. It was a moment in my life and now it's gone. Simple as that. Let's just put it in the past and...move on, I guess.

Reyna: Huh, wish I could have your mentality.

Susan: You don't need to. Every person is unique. If everyone was the same it wouldn't be any fun.

Reyna: Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be...

Susan: I know.

"Susan smiles"

Reyna: Um, okay then. I'm leaving now.

Susan: Okay.

Reyna: If you need...anything. You let me know.

Susan: You've got it.

Reyna: Alright. I'll be around, though! If---

Susan: Reyna!

Reyna: Okay, Jesus. I'm going. I'm going...

"After an hour, Rj heads to Susan's room"

Susan: Oh hi Rj. What's up?

Rj: Nothing, I'm just...watching you.

Susan: Hah, real funny. So, what do you want?

Rj: Nothing really. I uh...I just wanted to ask you...something.

Susan: Um, of course.

Rj: Personal.

Susan: Oh. Alright, then. Haven't got much to hide anyway.

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