Chapter 48 - Operation Pluto

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["Operation Pluto"]

"After about a month of minor skirmishes between the factions and a general stagnation of attacks, EUF's fleet is gathering over Neptune, getting ready to counter the Rexian attack on Pluto. Victus thinks that he found an opening and that it is finally the right time to strike at the weakend EUF positions. But the planet houses one of EUF's biggest bases. A huge complex of military buildings, factories and ship docks that are...lightly defended. Ghost Squad has gathered at ERS Independence, after about a day from the previous events. They seem ready for action. Max and Kate were also present. They tried to act like nothing happened, but one month without their one month without their friends"

{Location: ERS Independence, Hangar Bay}

EUF Sergeant Major: So here is the deal. As we're speaking, the Rexian fleet is bombarding our forces in an attempt to weaken the base's defenses before they send their ground troops. It is confirmed that the enemy is using mechanical infantry arriving via drop-pods. That means rapid attacks at any moment without fear for casualties. Your mission will be to descend into the planet to assist with fending off the enemy forces. You will be provided with X15-Arc Rounds. To put it simply, electrified bullets. Should "pack a punch" against the machines. I would also suggest bringing thermite canisters and EMP grenades. For...evening the odds. That's all from me. We will jump in one hour. Squad leaders, follow me for your individual objectives assignment and detailed briefing.

Leonev: Reyna let's go.

Reyna: What? I---

Rj: Just go Rey. You'll be okay.

Susan: Hey, look. Looks like our friends finally showed up. I'll go talk to them.

Rj: Hey, tell them I said hi. I'll go grab some ammo.

"Susan approached Max and Kate that were sitting next to a bomber"

Kate: How are you doing Su'?

Susan: Not much. What are you doing here all alone?

Max: Can't stand these Darkstar guys. Casually strolling around like nothing is happening.

Susan: Hey. I don't like it either. But we don't have any other choice.

Kate: I don't trust them.

Max: Yeah, well. We trusted the Admiral. So now we have to trust them as well, don't we?

Kate: Really? It's this again?

Max: Pretty much, yeah.

Kate: Have you got a problem Mr Cortez? Is that hussle because I didn't object? I told you, there was nothing we could do! Do you think I like being away from my friends?

Max: I'm just saying...there was no need to delay that much.

Kate: Yeah and you're blaming me now, right?

Max: Kate. Look, I---

Susan: Guys. We know that you knew. And that Morgan purposely left you both out of the "program". Just cooperate with them. And to be honest...none of us trusts them either. We just need to get along until Victus is dealt with. And for that, they will come in handy.

"Attention to all personnel. Winston base is under attack by ground forces. Warp jump commencing in 10 seconds"

Kate: Well that was fast.

Max: Alright guys. Brace yourselves.

Kate: I just hope they know what they're doing this time.

Susan: If it means taking down Victus...I'm glad they are on our side. And I'm also glad you guys came back to the team.

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