Chapter 39 - On The Run

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["On The Run"]

{Unknown Prison}

Gideon: Man prison life is boring. No one tried to kill us yet.

Kayle: Speak of the devil. Here come the boys.

"Around 20 prisoners arrived at the bench where the squad members were sitting. A huge crowd of inmates was formed"

M.I(Mexican Inmate): How you doing holmes? You settled in?

Leonev: Yes, thank you. Anything I can do for you?

M.I: You think you are funny puta? My guys over here will eat you for dinner.

Leonev: They should wait. Food will be served in about 2 hours. I heard we will be having chicken soup today. Also that's a nice knife you been hiding in your pocket. Come on. Try and stab me. I will be waiting. Won't even move.

" one of the guard towers"

Guard: Should we break them up?

Guard 2: Just wait and see. Oh man. Three versus 20. This seems unfair for our "older customers".

Guard: You kidding right?

Guard 2: Haven't you heard who these guys are? Well...You are about to find out.

{{ Radio Chatter }} "We have a situation in the west female wing. A red haired inmate has put down at least 8 other prisoners and has engaged at least other 11"

Guard 2: Have you attempted to calm down the situation?

{{ Radio Chatter }} "We don't have a death wish Mack. We want all our teeth and bones intact. Don't worry. She is clearing the house by herself"

"Back at the courtyard..."

M.I: Oh I am going to enjoy this.

"Suddenly a squad of heavily armed guards pushed away the prisoners"

Squad Leader: You three. Come. It's time. And hands behind your back.

"After walking on a few corridors they exited on a parking space where they were thrown inside an armored vehicle"

Gideon: How hard could it be to have a window or too. I can't see shit.

Iren: How are you guys?

Leonev: Good hearing you girl. Ready to take this show on the road?

"After about an hour, the vehicle stopped"

Kayle: Here is our stop.

Guard: Ok come out. Slow moves.

"They were located on a huge underground garage filled both with military and civilian vehicles"

"Meanwhile, Morgan was a few meters higher inside a packed viewing room"

Morgan: E.T.A?

Interrogator: About now. I will go to my seat. I suggest the rest of you do the same.

"The interrogator opened a door and descended a few steps into a small square room with one more door to the opposite side and the viewing window a bit high to the right wall. The room also included five chairs. He picked one of the chairs brought it close to the door and waited. After a while the opposite door opened and about 8 guards escorted the prisoners in. They locked them in the chairs and proceeded to take position around the room"

Interrogator: Ok. Let's begin. Please state your name, rank and age for the record.

Gideon: Can't remember me? It's me. Your old pal Shamus Mcfuckyourself.

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