Chapter 16 - The Neptune Campaign

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["The Neptune Campaign"]

"After successfully defending Rexus Prime and ambushing the EUF fleet, admiral's Yain's forces were tasked with recapturing their lost planets from the United Front. Their first target was the planet Neptune. The closest one to the RPU"

{Location: Neptune Space - Inside Armed-Tiger frigate}

Yain: ...Focus fire on these corvettes. Don't let them take a breath. We need forces on the ground ASAP. This is taking longer than expected.

"After about an hour of spaceship fire, EUF ships were falling back"

Rexian Crew Officer: Look! They are retreating!

Yain: Let them go. Prepare the assault group. Darkstar Squad, report to the bridge.

"Darkstar comes to get briefed by the admiral"

Prophet: Sir. Our orders?

Yain: We are detecting some small bases, nothing to worry about. We will handle that. I need you to take out EUF forces garrisoned at our old robotics facility located on the eastern part of the planet. This place is our priority. We need to have it operational by tomorrow.

"A few minutes later Darkstar Squad board their ship and move towards Neptune along with the other forces"

Nex: So what is the deal with this place?

Nomad: Other than they mass-produce "Grunt" robots? I don't know. Maybe they work on some secret shit. How should I know?

Angel: Said the Black Ops Operator...Hey Leonev. Apparently the factory has one or two towers that can give us an advantage. Want me to prepare any long-range weaponry?

Prophet: Yes. You and X1 will take positions on one of towers while I, along with Iren and Gideon, clear out the courtyard. Then we re-group and we clean the inside. I suspect that we won't face any real threats. They can barely defend the place from a pirate attack.

Angel: Copy.

"...After a while."

Nomad: ...You see it?

Prophet: Yes. Ok Gideon. Hide us.

"Under the cover of their cloaking field, the team lands a few meters away from the factory"

Prophet: Ok. Split up. Take it slow for now.

"Three minutes later"

Angel: We are in position. Orders?

Prophet: You see that sentry on the roof? Put him down quickly.

"Angel takes the shot"

Angel: Goodnight

"EUF soldiers hear the shots"

EUF soldier: What the..?

Prophet: That's it. Fire at will.

"Darskstar opens fire, surprising the enemy forces. An EUF soldier attempts to throw a grenade but a bullet hits his arm"

EUF soldier: SHIT. My arm!

EUF soldier 2: OH FUCK!

"A Grenade then drops down and explodes. Limbs fly everywhere as the exploding 'potato' killed at least 3 soldiers that were covered behind the same barricade"


Nomad: EUF keeps running these days. They really love exercising.

Nex: Did you just made a joke?

Prophet: Cut the chatter. Sivia we are going in.

Angel: On my way.

"The team heads inside the factory. The shooting continues as Darkstar Squad pushes Earth's forces deeper and deeper into the facility"

(Injured) EUF soldier: Mercy. I have a family!

"Nomad kicks the guy in the head"

Nomad: Real soldiers don't beg. Cowards. They can't even do their job properly.

Prophet: Oh shit. Machine gun! TAKE COVER!

"Suddenly, machine gun fire suppresses the squad"

Angel: Damn it. He has us pinned us down!

Prophet: Wait. He will run out sooner or later.

EUF Heavy Soldier: What the hell is that?

"X1 comes from behind and electrocutes the soldier mounting the gun"

EUF Heavy Soldier: AAAAAAHHH!

Nex: NOW!

Nomad: Huh. Imagine getting electrocuted from a death-bot and also have 4 soldiers firing at you at the same time. Not a very pleasant story to tell to your kids. survive, that is.

Prophet: Cut the chit-chat. Look for any survivors of ours. I will contact the fleet.

"Prophet makes a call with the admiral"

[From Radio]Yain: Commander?

Prophet: Place is clean and open for business. Where do you need us next?

[From Radio]Yain: Nowhere. I need you where you are until we send forces to defend it.

Prophet: Understood.

[From Radio]Yain: Also. Nice work commander. If only everyone acted like you and your team, this war would be over by now.

Prophet: Thank you, sir.

Angel: What did he say?

Prophet: For now? We wait...

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