Chapter 27 - How Life Works

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["How Life Works"]

{Planet: Earth}
{Location: Rj and Reyna's apartment}

Reyna: Rj hurry it up! Have we found Zeon yet?

Rj: 98% Rey. Wait up.

Reyna: Alright, just tell me when it's d---

Rj: Done.

Reyna: Oh. So. Where they at?

Rj: Alright...She's at...Hm...Rexus Prime!

Reyna: What? Why is she there?

Rj: Relatives or..?

Reyna: No-no-no. I mean...she told me that she never made contact with the rest of her family since...well...since her...father's incident.

Rj: Oh.

Reyna: What if she's in serious trouble? Oh god, we need to go, now!

Rj: Wow, hold it there sister. Let's not make rush decisions. I mean this is just Zeon's tracking device. Sure, most likely they're going to be together, but what about the possibility of them not being?

Reyna: Call it a "hunch". Let's go!

Rj: "A hunch". Ah great. Alright. Just let me get our ship ready.

"Some hours later the twins arrived on Rexus Prime. They are searching for Susan and Zeon in the fields. They are tracking their signal"

Reyna: Are we close?

Rj: ETA 10 mikes.

Reyna: Good. Oh I hope she's not in trouble.

Rj: Relax Reyna. I already told you, she must have a reason for coming here. Besides, Rexus Prime is now a free territory controlled by EUF forces. Which means there's no more bad guys with rifles hunting us down.

Reyna: Earth is also under EUF protection, but it still has dangers.

Rj: Yeah well...some things never change, am I right?

Reyna: Maybe they would if we did something about it...

Rj: What do you mean?

Reyna: Nothing...Forget it.

Rj: As you say.

"About ten minutes later they reach the signal's location. They land their ship and continue on foot"

Rj: Alright. The signal stops here.

Reyna: But...there's no one here. It's just dry land and rocks.

Rj: Uh, there has to be a reason for that, I'm sure.

Reyna: Yeah well, try and fix it!

Rj: Oh I'm sorry Miss "I like to just sit here and let my brother figure it all out", but I ain't no God to know it all! Or am I?

Reyna: Yeah well my omnipotent brother, it's your device that brought us here and I'm sure you know it better than I do. Unless it's, oh I don't know...BROKEN and now we're in the middle of FUCKING nowhere, not knowing where our friends are and it's almost midnight! Ah! Can't you do one thing right for once?

Rj: Oh so now I'm the one to blame? I'm telling you, the device is good. If EUF had the tracking number well-protected, then it surely means that my baby here can track it down!

Reyna: Yeah well all it did was to track down "nowhere". Best case scenario, they figured it out, removed it and oh I don't know...Why not bury it as well? So, good job Rj. Splendid job! We're never going to find them. We are just wasting our time.

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