Chapter 15 - A Dark Star Rises

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["A Dark Star Rises"]

"Before the ambush..."

{Location: Rexus Prime - Grand Palace}

Communications Officer: Sir? What are your orders?

Victus: Are they ready?

C.Officer: Of course.

Victus: Then signal the fleet! And tell admiral Yain to make ready.

"The officer calls admiral Yain through holo-communication. The admiral is an old man wearing glasses, close to his 60s, with white and black hair"

"Meanwhile: Inside Armed-Tiger frigate, in hyperspace, heading towards Rexus Prime"

{Location: Inside Armed Tiger's Main Deck}
{Class: Frigate}
{Ship Captain: Admiral Yain}

Announcer: Three minutes until we reach Rexus Prime. All squadron members report to your leaders. Captain Foronan report to the bridge. Darkstar Squad report to hangar 3.

"At that time, Darkstar headed to the bridge to report to Yain. They were getting ready for the mission"

Admiral Yain: Alright guys. I see you're here. But just to be formal...Let's do a check real quick. Code name, Prophet.

Prophet: Here.

"Prophet is the leader of Darkstar. He makes the plans and is proficient in every weapon and fighting style. He has short military hair, shaved beard and visible scars on his face and arms"

Admiral Yain: Code name, Nomad.

Nomad: Right here, boss.

"Nomad is the strongest in the group. Specialises in heavy weaponry. He has 'mohican' hair, no beard and burns all over the right side of his face"

Admiral Yain: Alright. Code name, Nex?

Nex: Present, admiral.

"Nex is the most cunning and deadly when it comes to melee combat. She has red hair, short from one side and longer from the other. One moment you see her, the don't"

Admiral Yain: And finally...Code name, Angel.

Angel: Just name the job.

X1: [droid sounds]

"Last but not least: Angel. She is the sniper of the team. But she's also deadly up front with micro-SMGs and small weaponry. X1 is her combat droid. A small 'robot' that sticks into the back of her armour and comes out whenever needed to either hack a terminal, create a distraction or kill an enemy with it's deadly aim and neuro-electrocution"

Prophet: We're all here, sir. Darkstar Squad reporting for duty.

Admiral Yain: OK, commander. Here is the situation. We have the element of surprise but we need to act fast. If they bring reinforcements before we manage to deal enough damage in order for them to retreat, we are digging our own graves. I will need your team to board their ships and do as much damage as possible from the inside. Try to focus on their destroyers and their frigates.

Nomad: Sir. With all due respect. EUF has some of the biggest vessels on the galaxy. We wont be able to clean one before it takes out 2 or 3 of our ships.

Yain: That's the reason I am sending the best for this mission. We don't need any fancy theatrics. Get in, disable shields, engines, weapons and the rest and get out. Oh, and something else. BE CAREFUL. We already lost too much on these few days. We don't need to lose you too.

Prophet: Of course. We won't fail you sir.

Announcer: Approx 15 seconds until we reach Rexus Prime. Everyone on your positions and good luck. We will need it.

"RPU ships appear on the right side of EUF's fleet and open fire, immediately eliminating 1 frigate and 5 smaller ships. During the conflict a small ship leaves a frigate's hangar along with the other fighters but this one becomes cloaked and takes a different route towards the enemy fleet and starts approaching a EUF destroyer"

Nomad: Did you see any opening?

Angel: This hangar on the left looks pretty open. It's shields are out. Looks perfect.

Prophet: Careful now. I don't want us to die before we even fire a single shot.

"A few seconds later their ship lands on the EUF frigate's hangar"

Nex: Where is everyone?

Prophet: They probably evacuated this part after it was exposed. Eyes open. Stay frosty.

Nomad: Where do we begin from?

Prophet: The engines. They are located right beneath us. We start there.

"A few minutes later"

Nex: Ready?

Prophet: Yes. Kill the power.

Nex: Lights out.

Nomad: Activate night vision and move.

"After destroying the ship's engines and killing everyone else in the vicinity, Darkstar slowly moves towards the control bridge taking out everything in their way"

Angel: Door appears to be locked. X1 can you hack it from the outside panel?

X1: [Droid sounds]

"The door opens and shots from the ship's crew are fired from the room but they hit nothing. Suddenly Darkstar's members appear behind the shooters and put them down"

Captain Jadd: ...You! I will not surrender my ship to you! COME AND FACE ME! I CAN TAKE YOU ALL OUT!

"Prophet gave the signal to activate their stealth field. Suddenly they disappear in the dark"

Captain Jadd: What---?

"Nex appears from the back"

Nex: Hello captain.

"The captain looks in front. Terrified. Nex, then, decapitates him with her blades"

Prophet: Alright everyone. Room cleared.

Nex: We should have disabled the shield generators when we eradicated the gun crew. It took us longer than expected.

Angel: But now we are here. Lets disable these shields and get out of here. We still ha----

"Before the sentence is over, Nomad sees EUF ships start to retreat from the bridge's windows"

Nomad: Look. They are retreating to hyperspace. That was easier than expected.

"Suddenly, a missile barrage hits the left side of the ship"

Prophet: Group up. We are leaving NOW, if we don't want to end up like our enemies.

"Darkstar's mission was complete. They quickly board their ship and head back into the Rexian frigate"

Yain: Nice work disabling this ship commander. It was giving us the trouble of our life.

Prophet: Why aren't we using this opportunity to hunt them down? We may be able to retake a few of our lost planets. EUF is bleeding right now.

Yain: We will commander. Our less damaged ships are ready. You and your team will go along with the attack fleet. We can't lose our advantage. We have them on their tails. Oh and...Good luck Darkstar. As always.

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