Chapter 4 - A Trip to Cyprus

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["A Trip to Cyprus"]

{Time: 21:30 PM}
{Location: Lefkosia - Cyprus}

"Some hours later, the twins reached Cyprus. While walking, they came across a souvenir store"

Rj: Here is the store. Let's head inside.

Reyna: A souvenir store? Are you sure this is the place?

Rj: I am very sure. I have my intel. Just, let me do the talking, alright? Now let's go.

"The two head inside the souvenir store. Two people are also inside"

Shop merchant: Hey! Customers!

"The man calls his partner to come quickly, in Greek"

Nikos: Yes hello. I am Nikos! What would you like to get? We have medium size, large size, pictures of the Island. You name it!

Rj: Hello Nikos. Can I speak to the original manager? The man who owns this place? I need to speak with him privately.

Nikos: The manager you say eh? Well he is not here. We are his sons. We can do the same work as him.

Rj: I doubt it. See, I am an...old customer of his. Do you know where he is?

Nikos: Well you've just missed him I am afraid. He went out for some business.

Rj: What business? Pardon me, but I really need to speak with him.

Nikos: Well he just said, he's going to a bar.

Rj: Alright, thank you. Let's go.

Reyna: Do you know how many bars does Cyprus have? We didn't learn anything from that guy.

Rj: Oh, I know this god forsaken scum of a man.

Reyna: Oh, let me guess, another one of your works without me? Just like Dimitri. All over again.

Rj: Don't act like that.

Reyna: Ah, whatever. Alright, so...

Rj: So, the "bar" is an underground gamester club. It's not far from here. Come on.

Reyna: Alright then. But we really need to talk about our work. Seriously. I feel like there's more secrets you're hiding from me.

"A few moments later, they are outside the gamester club. A guard is in front of the door and it doesn't seem like he lets everyone pass...Once the twins get closer the guard stops them and asks for the password, in Greek"

Rj: Do you happen to speak English?

Security: The password or no entry.

Rj: Um...It's uh...

"The guard didn't speak English all that well..."

Security: You know password or I kick you in arse to leave?

Reyna: Rj?

Rj: Well...

Reyna: Oh for the love of. Okay then, my turn.

"Reyna turned on a more seductive tone and approached the guard"

Reyna: Excuse me, sir. Do you happen out? Because muscles are a favourite of mine.

Rj: Ah...this is never going to work.

Security: Well he-he. What say I show you muscles and you give me number, eh?

Rj: Never mind...I take that back.

Reyna: Well then. Wanna come follow me to that corner there and show me some...tricks?

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