Chapter 37 - An Imprisoned Star

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["An Imprisoned Star"]

{Planet: Rexus Prime}
{Loaction: Old Tenoro Robotics Corporation Facility}

Gideon: So. Is everything OK?

Kayle: Yea. I hid our equipment inside the facility. It is a shame I also have to let the drone behind.

Iren: Got anything?

Leonev: Nope. Just silence and darkness. I hate the waiting. The goddamn waiting.

Gideon: Think they will come?

Leonev: I don't know man. It feels... Wait---

"Several flashlights appeared just a few meters away from them, moving towards their position"

Voice: Are you the defects?

Leonev: Yea. That's us.

Voice: On the ground. Hands behind your back!

"As the team fell to their knees several soldiers appeared and started searching them. One of them placed his hand inside Iren's vest"

Iren: Watch what you're doing or I will make you regret it.

Soldier: Easy there honey. Guys. They are clean.

EUF Sergeant: Time to move people.

"They placed black hoods over their heads and then the proceeded to inject something inside their veins"

Kayle: What is that?

Soldier: What? Did you think we will bring you with us all awake and shit?

"One by one the members of the team fell unconscious"

EUF Sergeant: Ok bring them to the shuttle. Let's go, let's go! Last thing I want is a bullet to the head before breakfast.

"Meanwhile. Back in the Grand Palace ruins..."

Victus: Has anyone seen Lieutenant Falcrac?

Soldier: Nope. But...Hmm.

Victus: What is on your mind soldier?

Soldier: I heard one of them. I think the hot one talking about going on a patrol towards the north? I am...not sure.

Victus: But north is dead man's zone. What the fuck? Okay. I have a job of you. Get a team and go find them. And congratulations. You just became a corporal.

Soldier: I... Eh...

{Planet: Earth}
{Unknown Location}
{Time: XX:XX}

Guard: Wakey wakey.

Gideon: What wh... where are we?

"The team woke on a cold floor inside a very small room with three beds and metal bars in front of them. They were in a prison. And Iren was nowhere to be found"

Kayle: We are one short of a squad member.

Leonev: Yea I noticed that. She is probably in the women's section.

"A large crowd was massing outside their cell"

Prisoner: Fresh meat boys. Let's make them enjoy their visit!

Gideon: Oh this is going to be so much fun.

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