Chapter 33 - The Good, The Bad and Vicky

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["The Good, The Bad and Vicky"]

"After their arrival on the station the team headed towards the barracks in order to change clothes and cool off. After they exited the elevator they heard some soldiers talking"

"Hey you heard? They say Victus is back"

"Finally. Someone to take things at his own hands"

"Are you sure? Last time we lost if you remember"

"This time it will be different. I am sure of it"

"Yea whatever dude. I hope you have a body-bag ready"

Gideon: Clearly opinions are divided.

Kayle: I don't think everyone is willing to accept his return.

"As they were talking, the door opened and Bren walked inside"

"Admiral on deck"

Bren: At ease.

Leonev: Good to see you Admiral. You saved our skin back there. But where did you come from? We thought you were captured or dead.

"Bren sat on a piece of furniture and took a good look at the team"

Bren: When the treaty was signed, EUF command sent ships to hunt my fleet. It took us a month to completely hide. I almost lost everything. The fleet was split. Then we just waited. When General Pyke informed me about our little "reunion", me and my captains were ready. We waited for the perfect moment. We don't have much but it is better than nothing. Meanwhile we still try to come in contact with any Rexian warships out there.

"Suddenly, a female voice was heard, announcing something"

"Agents Falcrac, Gillev, Harril and Jakobin report on the command bridge in one hour"

Bren: You better eat something and get some rest. I will see you later.

"One hour later"

Victus: Lady and...gentlemen. Are you ready for a trip?

Iren: Excuse me, sir?

Victus: I just got informed that a team of EUF operatives entered Lion's Gate and tried to sabotage us. Their plan failed and two got captured. Usually I would just order their execution but I am pretty sure I know who these people are. And I am not going to let them get out of this situation with a simple bullet to head.

Gideon: I thought they had the planet under a blockade. And a big one.

Kayle: Not so many ships actually. Most of them returned to their fleets after the war. We could also use the anti-space defenses of the city but they locked the whole system before evacuating it.

Victus: Don't worry about that, agent. We have someone working on this situation. So as I was saying. You four are coming with me. I don't trust anyone else for now. And something else. I know that before the end of the war Commander Falcrac and his team lost a member during a conflict when they were protecting one of our Admirals. Seeing that you are cooperating so well with them I have to ask Mr. Jakobin. Would you like to become the new member of Fireteam Darkstar?

"Leonev was surpriced. After Sivia's death, he never thought of recruiting a new agent"

Kayle: It will be an honor sir. But it is not my decision that matters.

Victus: Commander?

Leonev: Yes. I...accept. Kayle Jakobin, as of are now an official member of Darkstar.

Gideon: I guess technically he deserves it anyway. He is the one that found us.

Victus: Since everyone is happy. Let's begin. We will be using a military transport. And as I said. Only we five are going. Gear up. We will meet in the hangar in ten minutes.

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