Chapter 41 - Hunted (EUF Side)

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"Susan's ship has landed a few meters away and the team was coming out of it"

Reyna: We are sent by Admiral Morgan. Mission report?

EUF Soldier: Excuse me. Do I know you from somewhere? Your face looks so familiar for some reason.

EUF Officer: Ahem! Excuse PVT.Joe here for his behaviour. It's good to see you. As you can see, one of our ships that these guys stole, crashed into this barn. We have searched the surrounding area for signs of movement.

Rj: And? Do you know where they were headed?

"While Ghost Squad was briefed by an EUF Officer, Private Joe came close to Zeon and began looking and touching him"

EUF Officer: Yes. West of here. They must probably be located either in West Virginia or the west side of Pennsylvania. Aerial vehicles are already on their way to find them.

Susan: Right. Thank you, officer. We are---

"Zeon hits Private Joe and sends him 5 meters back with a hard punch"


PVT.Joe: N--Nothing...sir! I was just---I!

EUF Officer: GET BACK INTO THE VEHICLE. I will deal with you once we get back to HQ. I am...really sorry for this. It won't happen again, I promise. You've got to understand he's still new to the job and assigned to me. Unfortunately...

Susan: Yes...No worries.

EUF Officer: Anyway. Good luck team. Good hunting.

Susan: Thank you officer. Come one guys, let's move it. Into the ship.

"Ghost Squad takes off again and starts heading towards West Virgnia to track for any signs of heat signatures that will lead them to Darkstar"

"Some time later"

Reyna: Do we have anything?

Rj: Nope. Still nothing.

Max: Hey Kate. Bet you can't win in a brantefer versus me.

Kate: Oh really? Wait and see!

"In the meantime, Rj reads some incoming transmissions"

Rj: Wait, I have something! Slow down a bit!

Susan: What is it?

Rj: They say police reported fight in a dinner, unknown number of suspects, not far from our location.

Reyna: Wait. How many hours ago?

Rj: Not long. About half an hour. They said the individuals left the area fast.

Reyna: Well that's a slow report...

Susan: It must be them. Hurry. Let's go. Hopefully we can find out where they went.

"The squad lands their ship and get out. Some police vehicles and personnel are there, but nothing other than that. More can be heard coming. Reyna saw a woman next to a table with other police and some EUF army members around her"

Reyna: Hey. What's going on here?

EUF Soldier: Who the heck are you? How did you get in here? You must leave this area, it's dangerous.

Rj: Relax, homeboy. We're the special forces sent by Chief Admiral David Morgan. Here to assist.

"Rj shows his ID"

EUF Soldier: Oh, excuse me then. This woman was there when the fight happened. Apparently her boyfriend is one of the police officers that was injured.

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