Times Are A Changin'

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I was woken up at 7 am by the sound of Aria in her crib. I lept up to grab her before she woke Elle up, although I knew Elle would wake up early anyway. I dressed both girls and we headed out before breakfast. I promised Elle that she would get the whole day to herself and I was determined to follow through. I drove straight to the nearest diner for breakfast. I ordered eggs Benedict for myself, egg and toast for Maddie and I fed Aria her bottle in my arms.

I'm not sure I'd ever gone to a restaurant by myself with the girls before. I sat there in the early morning quiet and watched Maddie as she sat perfectly and ate her breakfast. In so little time, she had gone from this tiny little baby that we didn't know how we were going to look after, to this beautiful little girl sitting in front of me. She started life looking like me but these days, she could be Elle's twin. Looking at her, looking back at me with that cheeky grin was like looking at Elle when we were kids. I looked at Aria in the car seat beside me, fast asleep again post bottle. She looked a little like the both of us. I have no doubt both of my girls will have their mom's beauty and brains. 'Daddy? ' Maddie asked, ending my emotional proud father moment.

'Yeah baby? '

' When is mommy coming? '

' Mommy, is going to go to the spa today. '

' What's the spa? '

' Thats where people go when they need to have a nap or relax. '

' Is mommy relaxed? '

' I hope she'll relax today, but in the meantime. You, your sister and I are going to go on a trip. Where would you like to go? '

Clearly this was a big decision for her, and nobody else was going to get a say.

' Well daddy, I like the zoo, the fishes, the playground, the movies, the park or grandma and grandpa's house. I like candy too. ' She looked up at me with the same eyes her mother gives me when she wants something.

' Well I think Aria is too little for the movies, but I like your zoo idea. '

' Ok, but you have to make funny animal sounds like uncle Lee, ok? '

' Uncle Lee brings you to the zoo? '

' Sometimes, when mommy was tired. '

Wow. That stung.

' Sweetheart, you need to tell me all about school yesterday. '

' I made a new friend ! '

' You did? What's their name? '

' Jessica. She's so pretty. '

' Then you must be the prettiest girls in school. '

' She asked Toby if he wanted to marry her and Toby said yes. I asked Matthew to marry me but he said he only wanted to marry Jessica too. '

I've never hated a kid so much in my life.

' Boys are stinky baby, you don't want to marry a boy. '

' But you and mommy got married? '

Damn this kid is too smart. ' Yes, but you're my baby so you're not allowed to marry anyone. '

' Okay daddy, I'll stay with you. '

Well that melted my heart.

' I missed you at school yesterday, can you bring me to school next time? '

' I'm so sorry I wasn't there sweetheart, I promise I'll be there next time. I love you . ' I smiled with a guilty tear in my eye.

' Can I have ice cream? '

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