defeating the Yowie and catching the vampires.

Start from the beginning

Velma: The sun is almost up.

Fred: The Yowie Yahoo has to get inside Vampire Rock, too.

Velma:If he doesn't, the sun will destroy him.

The sun appeared and the sunlight reflected off of Scooby's dog tag and it hit he Yowie Yahoo and then it  has been defeated as it dies in the clouds.

Daphne: You did it, Scooby! You defeated the Yowie Yahoo!

Shaggy: He sure didn't go quietly.

Then the dingo dogs howled in victory as Scooby joined in and they left.

Velma: How about that, Scooby? You're an honorary dingo.

Scooby: Ringo? Hooray!

Then, dark figures of the vampire appeared.

Daphne: But what about the Hex Girls?

(Y/N): Where are they?

Shaggy: How about we ask the vampires, where they are?

Then you saw the wildwind vampires as they came at you all.

Fred: Quick! Over the bridge!

Fred is forced to carry the gang as they cross the bridge. As you were four arms as you had the others in your arms.

Don't worry, gang. I've got you!

(Y/N): I got the others.

Shaggy: As long as you've got us and they don't!

Then the vampires continue to chase you all.

Daphne: The sunlight destroyed the Yowie Yahoo. Why isn't it destroying Wildwind?

Fred: You want to stop and ask them or keep on running?

Daphne: No, thanks.

Shaggy: We just crossed running water. The vampires shouldn't be able to follow us.

But the vampires crossed the bridge as they kept chasing you all.

Shaggy: Didn't those vampires read the rule book?

As you all continued to run shaggy crashed into a tree Scooby grabbed him to escape as we see you and the others setting up the trap.

Fred: Now!

Then Daniel threw a boomerang as it triggered the trap as a snare rope grabbed Scooby and Shaggy and then a net came and fell on the vampires and brings them up.

Fred: Nice work Daniel.

Then Shaggy and Scooby fell as fred caught Scooby as Velma paced to catch shaggy but couldn't as he fell on to the ground.

Velma: Sorry.

Shaggy: I didn't think anything would stop those vampires.

Velma: That's because they're not real vampires. If they were, they wouldn't have been captured on film. *shows a picture of wildwind.*

Then Jasper came and saw the vampires.

Jasper: Jolly good work. You've snared the vampires.

Daniel: Now we can find out what happened to the bands.

Velma: At first we thought the Bad Omens were behind all this. But when they disappeared, we had to search for new suspects.

Then ben turned into water hazard and sprayed the vampires as it revealed that stormy weathers and lighting strikes were the two skinny dudes.

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