Kiss and Make Up

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"Jin, dude come on. What's the problem? Why're you so angry?" Namjoon sits on the bed, tired of the suspense, and the attention from the rest of you.

"Namjoon I can't even look at you." Jin says, hands on his hips, as he is looking at the window- away from Namjoon.

"Really? I have lobster though." Namjoon lies.

"No, you don't. Not this early in the morning." Jin says. He's trying not to fall for Namjoon's trick but he clearly wants to look.

"Yeah. I do have it. I knew you were going to be angry so I brought lobster," Namjoon continues his lie.

"Joon I'm telling you I'm going to be so angry if I don't see a fat, giant, apology lobster when I turn around."

"Okay, well just look." Namjoon says.

"Fine- NAMJOON KIM WHERE IS THE LOBSTER! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Jin says after turning around to see that he fell foolishly for Joon's very fake lobster trick.

"Well, you said you couldn't look at me and I need you to talk to me man sooooo- it's either the lobster or our friendship."

"You're lucky the lobster isn't here." Jin scoffs.

"Jin! What's you're problem? We're all dying to know!" Taehyung edges on the drama so you nudge him in the arm. "What? We were all thinking it." He justifies.

"So?" You say.

"sOoO?" Taehyung mocks you.

You frown and look back over to Jin and Namjoon.

"Well Taehyung, the problem is Namjoon brought over his one-night stand to go on tour with us." Jin says, a sassy attitude in hand.

"One-night stand? Her name is Tazanna and she's obviously not a one-night stand if I brought her here." Namjoon makes his point.

"PREACH! DEFEND MY GIRL TAZ- Oh, sorry." You say.

"I didn't ask, Mr. Logical Thinker."Jin shakes his head in disappointment.

"Guys, seriously? What is going on with this team?" Jimin sighs. "We can't even have a peaceful tour."

"That's why I thought we shouldn't have gotten partners yet. I'm always right." Yoongi scoffs.

"Yeah, and who told you that releasing private information- an address for instance- would be right? Was it your brain or was that someone else because you're always right?" You snap back at Yoongi. You hear a dramatic 'oooooooh' come from Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Careful Yoongi. Next time Karate Girl might start beating you down if you irritate her. Trust me, I've experienced her deadly technique. It's called 'Flailing and Swinging Your Bag'." Jungkook laughs at his own joke.

"Whatever." Yoongi looks away.

"You're really NEVER going to let me live that down, are you?" You ask, rolling your eyes.

"Absolutely not." Jungkook chuckles lightly.

"Really though. Jimin is right. First it was Yoongi, and now we don't know why Jin is mad at Joon." Hoseok joins the conversation.

"I just said why. It's because Tarzan- or whatever her name is- is here." Jin explains.

"Her name is Taz-" You start.

"Yeah, but why is that making you angry?" Jimin cuts off your sentence with his question.

"It's just..." Jin begins.

"It's just what?" Hoseok asks.

"It's just...I'm scared." Jin finishes his sentence but the rest of you are a little stunned by his answer.

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