Right Gone Left

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"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" You scream as you back away from the figure.

"I-" The man didn't get to finish, you already have your purse out, swinging it around like nunchucks.

"Ouch! Dude- what-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME! I KNOW KARATE!" THAT'S a lie. You don't, but you're trying to intimidate the man.

"Wait let me explai-"

"DONT COME ANY CLOSE-" You suddenly feel two arms wrap around your body.

"LET ME GO! YOURE NOT TAKING ME ALIVE!" You scream. Struggling and flailing your body, you try to fight your way out of the persons grasp.

The man with the mask in front of you has dropped the sign with your name on it. His hands are in the air pleading for mercy. "Tae- let her go, she's not gonna stop fighting you."

You stop squirming around, and pause- understandably confused. "Tae?"  The firm grip around your arm loosens and you turn around to face them. You immediately cover your mouth saying "OH MY GOSH!"

In front of you Tae stands there panting a little bit, forcing an awkward smile. He does a little wave.

"Hi?" He says.


He waves it off, visibly in pain. He grunts before saying, "Ah, it's okay."

"Here let me help you-" you start to walk over to him but he stops you.

"No seriously I'm fine." He exclaims giving you the cutest- fakest- thumbs up. 

"Okayyyy," you say. Then you remember that there's an unknown person behind you. "Tae," you ask cautiously, "who the hell is that guy behind me?"

Taehyung chuckles. "Do you remember one of the members being named Jungkook?"

"JUNGKOOK?!" You whip around to catch him taking off his mask slowly but he quickly throws his hands back up in surrender.

"Please don't hurt me!" He winces with his eyes closed, bracing for a possible impact.

"HOLY SHI-" your voice trails off as you examine his delicate face. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you," you exclaim in disbelief.

"Oh, thank goodness." He sighs a breath of relief as he lowers his arms.

"What just happened?" You ask.

"Well you kind of attacked both me and Taehyung sooo-"

"Yeah I know. I wasn't asking literally. But still guys I'm reaaaalllyy sorry."

"No, no- it's fine, really." Both boys are quick to reassure you.

"I mean, if you say so. I feel bad for attacking before understanding what was going on. I just thought you guys were going to kidnap me and I just-"

"Attacked. Yeah we understand." Tae gently finishes the sentence, his deep voice calming you down your racing heart.

"Yeah, right. Did I just ruin this date?" You ask.

"No, but you certainly made it more interesting," Tae tells you, chuckling nervously.

You're all silent until Jungkook breaks the silence saying, "Well, I'll leave you two alone while you guys do your thing. And really, you don't have to apologize for the small chaos. It was just a misunderstanding."

"Thank you for being so kind." You say, sincerity filling your voice. You see Jungkook head over to the drivers side of the car. You quickly add, "And have a safe drive to wherever you're going!"

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