All in a Days Work

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"Oh my goodness THANK GOD! I thought you were going to ask me to marry you." You say relieved.

"What?" He asks.

"You built up a lot of suspense! But still, I don't know. I'm really excited you asked it's just- I don't know if I can. Wouldn't it mess up your guys' balance?"

"No, you'd just stay with me for the next two months."

"Tae, you know there's nothing in the world that would stop me from going on tour with you. But, my foot is messed up, what about Dr. Willia-"

"I already talked to her about it. She said that we can just have video calls and she'll check in that way."

"Okay, then what about my job- HOLY MOLY! TAE I NEVER MADE IT OVER TO MY BOSS!"

"Yeah well, I already had someone talk to her..." Taehyung says slowly, fidgeting with his fingers.

"And?" You say, making intense eye contact with him.

"You're definitely fired." He quickly admits.


"Yeah. Sorry," Tae says looking down. You sit up quickly in the bed and Tae follows behind you, sitting up as well.

"Why did...when did you- shit." You say moving your hands to cover your face as you think.

Taehyung gently moves closer to you and moves your hands away from your face. He grabs your shoulder and looks you in the eye quickly trying to comfort you. "But babe everything is totally fine."

"How can you say everything is fine?!" You say, starting to panic a bit.

"Babe, are you aware of who you're dating?"

"True- but what if things don't work out between us, then what?"

Tae looks a little concerned. "Are you saying that we're going to break up?"

"No, certainly no-"

"Then we don't need to worry about that. Listen, whatever happens- trust that I'll be with you and on your side, okay?"

"I-" you start to say something.

He tilts his head looking to you. "You...?"

"Okay. I trust you. Please, please, PLEASE don't let me down." You say.

"So that's a yes to going on tour with me?"

You nod, a slight smile forming on your face. "Yeah...I think I'm going to take that leap of faith and trust that you'll catch me." You say, a smile on your face.

"YES! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOUUUUUU!" He plants a giant kiss on your cheek then kisses you a million more times around the first kiss.

You relax your shoulders. "I love you more," you say.

"Impossible. I have infinite love for you." He kisses you on your forehead. "However, I don't have infinite energy soo, what do you say we cuddle and get a good nights rest."

"Sure thing." You say as you both lay back down onto the bed.

You snuggle back into his grasp, his warm body making you feel mushy inside. Soon enough, Tae is fast asleep. You knew he was exhausted. You turn a bit and kiss his forehead. "I love you more than infinity itself, sleep well darling," you say as you turn back around and fall fast asleep...

"Babe...baaaaabe...BABE!" Tae jostles you out of your sleep.

"WAAAH- oh. Taehyung, please. I'm tireeeeeeed! Go away!" You whine.

The Interview| Taehyung x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora