Hospital Blues

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It takes you a second to realize that there's a car heading toward you- but it's not a second you have to spare because every second counts as you try to move out of the way.

"BABE! MOVE! GET OUT THE WAY!" Tae shouts, eyes wide in urgency, despite you not being able to hear him from indoors.

It's as if everything goes in slow motion. Tae starts running toward the door of the hotel but you start to run away from him in hopes of getting out of the car's path. It's mere seconds that you have as you run out of the way, but you barely make it. The speeding car zooms past you, hitting your foot- hard.

You scream in pain and fall down while Taehyung, Taz and Namjoon run over. As they make their way to you, you hold your foot and rock back and forth.

"Babe! Holy shit. Are you okay?" Tae makes it over to you first.

You groan. "I'm not dead at least. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouuuuuucccch!"

"Hun, lemme see. Let go of your foot." Taz joins the party.

Gently you let go of your foot wincing and Taz moves it around for a better look. "I can't really see it if you still have your shoes on."

"Wha- ANNHHHHHFGNFG!" You scream in agony as Taz tries to quickly take your shoe off.

"Sorry. Sorry. I was just trying to get a better look at- ohhh my gosh. What the HELL did that car do to your foot?"

"Whoooooaaaa! That looks crazy cool. I didn't know a toe could DO THAT!" Namjoon excitedly exclaims looking amused until he sees you cut him a stern look.

"What're you guys talking about? It's probably broken at the most." You look over at Tae who looks like he's about to barf. You look down at your left foot and the bone sticking out of the big toe, bloody. It's the last scene you see before passing out.

You awake in the ER. "What happened?" It's the only thing you can make out from what the doctor is saying as everything comes into focus. You see Taz's mouth moving but you're not sure what she is saying but you assume she's explaining what happened. Everything just sounds muffled to you, until you hear "Oh, good, she's awake!" The doctor walks over to you. She calls out your name a few times and shines a light in your face for your eyes to follow. "How are we feeling right now?" She asks, smiling kindly.

"Oh just fine and dandy," you say sarcastically. Taz hits you in the shoulder for being rude. "Ouch, sorry. I'm actually not feeling too bad. My head hurts though."

"Well, falling back onto the concrete tends to have that effect on people." Taz says snickering. You roll your eyes.

The doctor giggles a little bit. "Well, we have pain killers for that, and for your foot too. By the way, you should be able to look down at it now."

You turn around and look down to your foot which is wrapped up keeping you from seeing what it looks like. You look back at the doctor curious and ask, "Why couldn't I look at it before?"

"You don't remember?" The doctor asks but you're clueless.

"You passed out a few times," Taz starts to explain. "You passed out when you initially saw your foot the first time. You woke up in the ambulance, saw your foot, and passed out again. You passed out once more when we got to the hospital after seeing your foot and you just woke up from that last one so, here we are."

"Ughhhh." Your cheeks heat up out of embarrassment.

"Yeah, passing out doesn't feel that good, but I can't imagine what it's like passing out three times." Tazanna says.

"Don't worry hun. Gory scenes are handled differently by every person, so there's no need to be embarrassed." The doctor pats her hand on your shoulder as her older middle aged face turns up into a gentle smile. She rolls her chair to her desks and starts typing up something.

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