Guess Who's Back?!

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"How did you get here? What is going on?" You ask.

"I took a flight here, yesterday at 3pm. Joon wanted me to come and we figured something out, so yeah."

"Woah. I did NOT see that coming- well I didn't see YOU coming actually." You say, sitting down on the ottoman behind you. You rub your eyes a bit more.

"Well I'm not here for you, I'm here for Joon- but still we need to talk."

"I know, I know and I just want to say that, Taz- I'm sorry. A million times- I'm sorry. I was in a haze of love and all I felt was a want to spend more time with Taehyung and so much happened that I forgot that you are one of my priorities- and so is our friendship. You needed me and I forgot to be there and man do I feel like a jerk about it. I even showed up to the funeral to make sure you were okay but you wouldn't talk to me, but trust me I understand. I really messed up Taz, and I'm sooo sorry. I just- I just wanna be your best friend. Wait, no- I want to be THE best friend for you. Y'know, as you've always been for me. If you can forgive me for my mistakes, I'll try my hardest to help us get back to the strong friendship we've shared for so many years."

"While I really appreciate the apology- which you owed me one- I just meant that we need to talk." Taz says.

"What? I know that's why I apologized." You say, confused.

"Nooooo, I mean I just need to talk to you. WE need to talk. I can't keep ignoring you. It hurts too much. Especially after losing dad- I need you now more than anything. I want you to be happy and if you're happy with Tae, then my problems shouldn't get in the way. That's what I've always believed and that shouldn't change. Besides, I needed this getaway. I couldn't even go a few days without talking to you. You're my person. Of course, your work load has been lightened because I have Namjoon but please- keep being my best friend?"

"You are literally the greatest person on earth. You don't owe me anything and you had every right to be mad, yet here you are confessing to me about how much you need me. I love you so much, and I need you in my life, even when I'm acting horribly while I'm in my own little world. So, yes of course I will keep being your friend because I wouldn't have it any other way. Like seriously, I was going to turn to kissing your feet until you forgave me." Tazanna laughs as you hop, standing up without your crutches, and hug her- only to trip a bit once you let go.

"Woah! Are you okay girl?" Taz asks. You're trying to catch balance but you need your crutches. Taz looks down at your foot and notices you struggling. "Shoot, hun. I forgot about your foot. Here, lemme get those for you." She bends down and picks up your crutches, handing them to you.

"Thanks." You say.

"Soooo...where are the rest of the guys? You know, I don't like that I can't communicate with them all comfortably like you can. It's a shame because that Jungkook guy really seems cool. Joon told me about them, they all seem really nice. I guess I gotta download Duolingo or something." Taz sighs and looks down.

"Eh, don't worry about it. You have a best friend who can translate and you have a boyfriend who can do the same. Anyway, everyone is still asleep. You came really early." You say. That's when you hear someone coming down the stairs.

"Ah, hey friend- WHOA! Um, who is that?" Jimin asks, making his way to the kitchen of the AirBNB that you all are staying at. He's quite the early bird.

"You remember when Jin screamed about Joon having sex? Yeah, this is the lucky lady right here." You say, pointing a bit. Taz looks clueless, but she quickly picks up the names and the word "sex."

"Okay girl, it just me or did you say something about sex?" Tazanna says.

"Yeah- hold on." You say.

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