A Friendships Quarrel

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"Taz, I am sooo sorry, it was an emergency," you say, but your voice is so weak, it sounds like you're pleading for mercy. You take her arm and pull her into the hotel building and next to a wall. She pulls her arm away.

"Whatever. An emergency to go make out with Taehyung, right?" Taz rolls her eyes. "I thought that a boy band wasn't supposed to be more important than family nor a day-one friend. What happened to that?"

"No, Taz you don't understand. I have a good reason."

"A good reason for leaving me by dad alone right after he died? Is that what you have a good reason for?"

"You know you weren't alone in that room."

"I wasn't, that's true- but YOU were the one I needed there."

"Taz- Taz I'm really sorry."

"You've said that a lot in the past minute and it's still not having any effect on me. Why did you leave?"

"I found out who leaked our address."

"Holy moly. That is a good reason. Still, it doesn't explain why you're at this hotel."

"Actually, it does. Turns out, it was Yoongi."

Taz stops and stares at you, confused. "Who's Yoongi."

"Oh my gosh. He's short, gorgeous small eyes that make him look like a cat? Doesn't ring a bell? He never smiles unless he's with the band? Doesn't sound familiar?" Taz is constantly shaking her head while you try to explain who he is. "Okay, fine," You say.

"He was like the second person to start rapping in the DNA music video."

"Oh, yup- I got it. He was really cute, but probably half my size. Wait a minute- HE LEAKED OUR ADDRESS?!" You nod.

"How?" Taz asks. You run her through how everything happened and she sits there frowning in thought.

"Hmm...If you take me to him now, I'll spare hitting you for getting in my way of taking him down."

"Taz, you know you're not going to hit me. You'd never do that."

"Try again. After everything that's happened today I REAAALLY want to punch something, and if I don't hit something in the near future- anybody is liable of getting knocked out."

You sigh. "Right...how are you doing right now?" That's when you notice her puffy eyes. Her usual caramel skin had turned red on her nose and around her eyes.

"While I had time to prepare it still feels...unreal. I need a distraction. Honestly punching YOU would be great right now."

You hug her tightly. You're no Jimin but this usually seems to work on Taz. "Why would you want to hit me, your best friend?"

"Obviously you weren't listening. Anybody is liable to getting hit. AND you left me so I mean you're the best contestant in the running right now to be my own personal punching bag." She doesn't even glance down at you. Your technique didn't work this time. She just keeps looking around until- "Woah. Everyone is liable of getting hit EXCEPT for him. WHO is he?"

"What? What're you talking about?" You let go of her and turn around to find...Joon? He's walking around down in the lobby with his earbuds in lip syncing to what you think is a song by Red Velvet if you've read his lips correctly.

"That's Namjoon." You say.

"Damn. He has better tiddies than mine."

"Woah there sister." You sigh because you know she's right. "Ugh, yeah I know." You were so angry earlier, you weren't even paying attention to how his tank top made his chest...stick out. You look to the left and see that Taehyung is looking down at his phone. He never went back to his room. Your gaze is on him now- the one who has your heart.

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