Bad Publicity- No Such Thing PT.1

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"TAZ! PLEASE, WAKE UP!" You shake her roughly but she doesn't move. "PLEASE, WAKE UP! OH MY GOSH! OH MY-! TAZ!"

You fumble through your purse and grab your phone dialing 911. "911- What's your emergency?"


"Okay Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down for a second. Please survey the surrounding area. Is there any blood, pills, weapons, or anything dangerous?"

You look around her but still, the only thing you see is her phone in her hand. Then you see a sliver of her bright brown eyes.

"TAZ! Are you awake?!"

Her eyes start to open more and she looks around herself while the operator continuously waits on the line.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? Is everything alright?"

You swallow hard and nod saying, "I think so. She's awake now. Thank you. Bye."

"Ma'am, wai-" You hang up the phone and throw it into your pocket to check on Tazanna.

"Taz, are you okay? What happened?" You ask her. She slowly raises up and looks at you. Your heart breaks when she immediately hugs you and her sobs start. "Taz, what? Whats wrong?"

"Dad," she cries, "He's in the hospital again."


"His cancer- it's acting up again. They're saying he's not going to make it. And I- I just...I can't prepare fast enough."

"Taz," you say, feeling a little guilty, "Is this why you left for those two days? Was this the emergency?" She let's go of you and wipes her eyes while nodding.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I- it was your big day. The most amazing thing happened to you and I didn't want to take your joy away with my families problems. I just knew you had been preparing for so long and I-"

"Taz- I don't know what to say. You can't DO that. We're best friends- have been since forever. Your family problems are my family problems and if you have them- you come to me, okay?"

"I know, it's just, I want to see you happy. I'd hate to have to be the cause for you not being able to smile."

"It doesn't matter. No boy band in the world, no person in the world should be more important than family nor a day-one best friend. You're practically my sister. I'm here for you."

She squeezes you tightly and releases you. "Thank you. It means a lot."

"Wouldn't be much of a best friend if I wasn't here for you." She smiles lightly as you help her off the floor and take her to a chair in the kitchen.

You grab a glass and pour her some milk, sliding it over the counter to her. "How'd you end up on the floor?" You ask.

She takes a sip of milk and sits it on the counter. "I don't know. I was barely holding on after hearing he was in the hospital last week. Once I got the call from Mom about his condition now, I just got dizzy and next thing I know, I was waking up to you freaking out."

"Have you been eating?" You ask. The answer is clear to see when you see her put her head down.

"Okay, well that's not going to work. You need to eat. What do you want? I'll make you anything."

"Nothing. I don't feel like eating." She says.

"Well that's too bad. You're eating." You look in the fridge and see the pizza from the day you went on your date, not a single slice missing. You turn to her and point to the pizza. She shrugs. "Okay, chicken noodle soup it is." You announce.

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