Bad Publicity- No Such Thing PT.2

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You pace in front of the door. "Those damn sasaengs. What the hell?"

"Girl, what are you doing? You told me you'd be outside." Taz walks in, seeing you freaked out. "Oh no. What's wrong?"

"See for yourself." You gesture to the peephole on the door.

She puts her eye up to it. "Holy shi-"

"Yeah, I know," you cut her off.

"Considering only one of us is dating a global kpop star, I figure you know a little bit more about what's going on. So what the hell happened?" Taz asks.

"Um, see here's the thing..." You begin.

Taz crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"Well I sorta kinda maybe got slapped at the concert yesterday and the girl is outside."


"Wait, before you go whooping people's asses, I need to tell you the rest."

"Okay then, what ELSE happened?"

"After I got slapped-" you see Taz tense up just at the word, "Everyone jumped to action, which means the cameras went up and people started recording. Jungkook and Tae both protected me, but Tae held my hand and whispered to me to meet him at the restaurant we went to on our first date. That was caught on video. What we didn't know was that someone was watching us at the restaurant and they saw Taehyung take me home I guess." You explain.

"So those obsessed fans got our address, and now they're all outside waiting to ask questions, right? That's what you're telling me?" Taz asks.

"Basically. Hey what're yo-"

Taz snatches your phone and swipes it over to the camera. "And what does the bitch that slapped you look like?"

"Um, long black hair, black beanie. She's medium height and she has tan skin with small brown eyes.
Everyone else out there is pretty pale so it should be easy to identify her actual-"

"Okay, be right back." Taz cuts you off, and storms over to the door.

"Taz wait! Don't go out-" You start, but Tazanna is already outside and has closed the door before you can finish your sentence.

"Say cheese!" Tazanna takes three pictures of the people from the left, center, and right of your door steps. The crowd gasps and stops flashing pictures. "Now why the hell are y'all obsessed asses on my damn doorstep?" The crowd is silent. "I don't know why in the world y'all think it's okay to come invade someones privacy, but we ain't having that here. Candid camera sweeties," she waves the phone in her hand. "Each one of y'alls faces are on candy camera so unless you want a lawsuit on your hands for invading our privacy, you better scramble, bitches."

The crowd gasps once again and everyone starts filing out of there in a rush. However Tazanna stops one of them. "You!" She walks down the steps to her.

The girl turns around, her evil gaze has left her face and now she looks worried. Tazanna towers over her. "You must be the dumbass who slapped my best friend, right?" Taz interrogates her. "Let me put this in to perspective for you- imagine being upset because like is shitty right now, and then finding out that your best friend got slapped by some jealous ass bitch who can't tell that she's too ugly in the face to be worried about other peoples business. You'd want to give someone one hell of a beat down, right? You wouldn't feel too good, would you?"

"Ugly?" The girl swings her hand at Taz, but your powerhouse of a best friend catches it without flinching, maintaining eye contact.

"Not today bitch, you have the ENTIRELY wrong one. If it wasn't for the fact that you could sue ME if I beat you as badly as I wish I could be doing right now, this conversation would've never taken place. Instead, you'd already be on the ground."

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