Thirty Five

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Woke up in the middle of the night with the warmth of favorite person by my side. I laid there thinking about life, as one does. Thinking about how much things have changed in such a short amount of time. I used to be broken, unsalvegeable, unable to trust anybody after i left home. Here i am now today entrusting my entire life to these guys, my heart completely open to this man who cares for me unconditionally no matter how useless i may be. I truly am happy.

Chan shifts slightly, i look down to see his cute pouty sleeping expression. I smile slightly and i comb my fingers gently through his hair.

To feel at peace like this is such a foreign feeling to me but i couldn't ask for anything better than this. I fell asleep once more staring at his beautiful features in the dark.



"hey Jeongin"

"wake up sleeping beauty"

i felt a hard smack against my bare leg. Groaning i slipped my leg under the safety of the blanket.

"come on Innie get up, everyone is already downstairs"

i opened my eyes the slightest bit only to see Jisung's figure standing at the base of the bed with his hands resting on his hips with an impatient tic in his eyes.

"whats with the hurry?" i grumbled groggily as i stretched my arms out above me, a few joints promptly snapping into place.

"a meeting, there's quite a bit of trouble, you should come down to hear the details" he said hurriedly as he started walking backwards towards the door. "and don't you dare fall back asleep" he warned sternly before shuffling away.

I sighed deeply and rolled over to look out the window at the gloomy sky.

Good times can only last so long. Of course trouble comes rushing in the moment i find a bit of peace of mind.

Throwing the covers off i sat up at the edge of the bed. Nearly yelping at the straining soreness of my behind.

"ah he could have held back at least a little, that jerk" i cursed under my breath as i held onto my lower back as if it would do any help.

I carefully stood and made my way down, not knowing where the others were gathered i just followed the sound of the faint voices heard through the paper thin walls of this manor.

I knocked twice on the door and opened it, shining a half smile to the others as i walked in. Chan's seemingly tense expression softened a bit as the corners of his lips subtly curved up.

Minho walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "i heard you had a good time last night, better keep your voice down next time you know our walls are thin as air" he said with a cheeky smirk. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as i punched his chest to escape his teasing.

"I heard there's trouble, is it bad?" i asked as i sat in the empty space between Changbin and Seungmin. Chan leaned back in his seat.

"its pretty bad. As you predicted TRCNG have made an alliance with YG. Whats worse, I'm sure they already know that we found out, they don't usually leave such an easy trail if they're trying to hide" Chan explained, his brows furrowing in thought as he spoke.

"you think they're plotting something?" I questioned in return. I feel guilty as if i was the reason this is happening. After all i did stir up one of the members for my own personal reasons.

Chan nods. "and because of that i don't think you should-" his words were interrupted by the piercing sound of my ringtone.


"at 8? but its already past 7"

"alright, take care"

Chan watched me as i hung up, blinking rapidly waiting for me to say something.

"I have to go to work early, one of my employees had an emergency" I said looking over to Felix who gave me a thumbs up.

"I don't have much work to do this early anyways, lets go ill drive you" he said as he stood to his feet. I looked at Chan again who sat there with his mouth slightly agape as if he was trying to say something but in the end he just lowered his head and pursed his lips.

He's clearly holding back from stopping me. I'm sure hes worried that i wont be safe especially with our enemies causing a ruckus. I'm glad hes thinking about my feelings more.

Without any words exchanged i went out to get dressed, had no time to eat and headed off to my shop with Felix as per usual.

I opened up the shop, arranged everything and set up the cash register then i simply sat behind the counter chatting with Felix. Then my phone buzzed against my thigh.

be careful when you go out from now on

you worry too much

for good reason

speaking of worry

hows your body?

has definitely been better

you really have no self control

you're one to talk after you kept
telling me to keep going

who would have thought
you could be so lewd

I looked back at Felix who was intrusively hanging above my shoulder peeking at my messages and smirking at what he had discovered. I looked away in embarrassment and awkwardly put my phone away into my pocket. While looking down at the edge of the counter to avoid looking at Felix's smug expression i noticed a thick envelope that was neatly concealed under its top surface. Felix probably saw where my eyes landed and reached out to grab the suspicious envelope. I beat him to it, thinking it might be something that belonged to one of my employees.

"Whats that?" Felix asked once i grabbed it.

Turning it over i loosely shrugged. "maybe its something my-" i paused my sentence when i saw the lettering on the back of the stationary.

"Join us flower boy"


ah its been a while since i wrote a chapter, missed the feeling of making up drama and ruining a character's happiness.

sigh, school is pretty garbage, last week i only went to school twice cuz i just didnt wanna go, school really isnt my scene.

on a brighter note, yall are awesome, this little story is at 40k readssss howww??

ill try to get back into a more or less regular upload schedule so look forward to that

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