Twenty One

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"im sorry" he said as he held me tighter. I just froze at the sudden contact. Something inside me stirred and i felt another overwhelming wave of emotion taking over my senses. I melted in his embrace and dug my face into the crook of his neck and clutched the back of his dress shirt as i cried quietly, completely forgetting who he was and what he's done to me before.

I could clearly hear Felix and Jisung mumbling to each other from behind the cars which made me chuckle for some reason. just imagining the nonsense they could be talking about made me laugh. i looked up at Chan with a smile as i wiped at my eyes. He smiled back at me and helped me wipe away the remaining tears off my cheeks.

It was the first time ive seen him like this. looking so soft and smiling like a gentle person. None of that angry scowl or daring smirk.

He looked over my shoulder, probably just noticing the other two watching us. He looked back at me but his smile faded. "i shouldnt have made you talk to him. I knew you two werent on the best terms but i didnt think it would-" he started, looking genuinely pained by his own actions.

I cut off his thoughts by placing two fingers against his lips to make him stop talking. I chuckled at his surprised expression. "it's alright, this had to be resolved one day or another" I told him assuringly. He still looked guilty. "and i got some valuable information for you as well" i chimed, he just rolled his eyes.

"sure, what did you find out?" he raised his brows as he brushed my hair back and stared at my messy face.

"they're getting alliance requests from other gangs" i dropped my hand from his face. His brows furrowed. "Im thinking that it might be YG"

"What makes you think that?"

"If they're avoiding contact with us so it must be someone who works against us. And judging by his reactions to my questions it seemed like the opposing gang had been convincing enough for them to consider the offer" I explained thoroughly as i began walking towards the entrance of our house.

Chan followed with an amused smirk. "Are you sure you've never been in our business before? You seem to have a keen perception for a simple florist" he joked.

"I watch a lot of movies" I shrugged with a cheeky smile as i walked past the grandiose doors of our domain and twirled around to face Chan who wore a rare genuine smile. I leaned against the door frame as he caught up to me "This is nice" i mused.

Chan stepped closer and looked up at me as i stood atop the short stairs. "What is?"

"We're not shouting at each other, its nice to talk normally for a change" he climbed up the last step and we now stood face to face. I couldn't help but stare. He looks more handsome up close, how can one person hold this much power?

He leaned in. My eyes unconsciously traveled down to his lips and for a moment i thought of what they would feel like against mine once more.


He leaned closer. My eyes were panic stricken. This isn't right, he's- I'm not-

"No" the sound of my own voice made my heart sink. I looked away, i could still feel his breath against the side of my face and his closeness but i didn't dare to look up at his face, fearing the expression he might wear.

He sighed and i felt him back away. "Yes, i guess it is nice" his voice no longer held emotion. He brushed past me and into the main room.

Why does this feel so wrong? This is how it should be. He's a gang leader, a criminal and possibly a killer. I'm the neighborhood florist. Our worlds shouldn't even mix. I should hate him. I do hate him. If i don't...then nothing good will come of it. It will be just like it was before. I'm only going to get hurt.

"Hey, you alright there mate?" Felix stepped in front of me and squeezed my arm a little. I smiled despite my overwhelming thoughts and nodded once.

Walking into the house i looked for any of the others but they all must be busy since the entire first floor was deserted. There was only Chan sprawled on the center couch with his eyes closed. Felix and Jisung quickly scurried upstairs leaving me down here in silence with the boss.

I watched him basking under the golden sunlight cast from the large arched window at the back of the room. His pale skin and lightened hair nearly glowed, making him appear divine.

Should i say something? I have no idea what he could be thinking right now. His mind is an incomprehensible maze that ive been trying to detangle since i first got here. But the closer i get, the more lost i feel.

"Chan?" i called out quietly as i sat on the arm of the couch he was sitting on. He didn't react even though i knew he could hear me clearly. How childish of him to be ignoring me. "Channie"

His eyes shot open but he stayed silent for another moment. "Don't play like that" he mumbled and closed his eyes again with a short sigh.

I was a little annoyed by his current behavior which drove me to keep speaking even though i could tell he wanted anything but that. "You know this isn't right, don't you?" I started and watched at his face remained unmoving. Really going through with ignoring me, isn't he? "I can't just go around doing these things with anyone like that. I don't take these things lightly" i felt like i was talking to a wall.

Suddenly i watched his head roll to the side to face me and his eyes piercing through me with the most serious expression. "Does it seem like I'm taking this lightly?"

Didn't expect him to answer. Especially not with a look like that. What is his deal? He can't actually be serious right now. He's Chris Bang. Deceiving master of criminology. How can i possibly trust his word?

He slowly rose from the couch and made his way to stand in front of me. "Do i really look like someone who would do this as a game?" he was clearly angry but it was not the same as usual. He wasn't shouting or having an outburst, he was speaking slowly and lowly which made a chill slither up my spine. "Is that really how you see me?" he positioned himself between my legs and got too close for comfort. My breath hitched as i felt heat rising from my core. This isn't good.

"Chan I-"

"Stop me" he whispered as he leaned in further. "Stop me Jeongin, isn't this wrong?" My name rolled off his tongue smoothly as his breath fanned my face. His fingers gently grazed my chin, so gently as if he was afraid i would break from his touch. I began losing my sense of logic, this man knows how to play mind games. I just walked myself right into a danger zone.

His lips hovered over mine, taunting me. "I hate you" I muttered, throwing all rational thoughts out of this building and crashing my lips against his.


Oho? Baby Jeongin initiating action???.

Oho? Baby Jeongin initiating action???

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I have no clue what to do next chapter so it might take some time, sowy. Hope you stick around.

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