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The ride back was awkward and silent.

We wouldn't even spare a glance in each others direction. It felt so strange.

While looking out the window at the forested scenery I could only think about JYP's words. I'm actually part of a gang now? Since when does this type of thing happen outside of movies and fiction? How did i get tangled so deep into this? There is no way out of this anymore. This is actually what i have to live with.

I mean, the guys are all great company. I already grew fond of them in just a week. It felt great to finally have people to call friends. But this just isn't right. They do illegal and dangerous business, I don't think i can ever let myself take part in that. I had already accepted living there if i could just hold onto my normal life, but now... what normal is left?

The car came to a stop in our parking lot. I didn't wait for him to turn off the car or come to open my door, i just bolted out of the car and went towards the house. Changbin and Felix had their heads poking out through the front door and they ran out when they saw me approaching.

"woah, you look amazing in this suit" Felix exclaimed while checking me out with raised eyebrows. Changbin nodded in agreement. I smiled. I was really going to stay and be part of this gang with these guys. It just sunk in when i saw them.

Changbin shook my arm. "what did you two do?" he urged "why did Chan take you away?"

I shook my head at his curiosity. I glanced back only to see that the car was no longer there. "I was taken to see JYP" I said calmly. Felix gasped loudly and latched onto Changbin like a drama queen.

"JYP? As in the JYP?" He screeched, not believing his ears. I nodded. "Oh my god, how are you still alive? I wanna know everything" I was bombarded with questions from both of them but i just pushed them into the house where the rest of the guys were gathered. They all jumped up to their feet when they saw me enter. They were all acting as if they didn't think i would come back alive. All of their questions and concerns were overwhelming.

"I saw JYP today" i started, which luckily made them all shut up. I let myself flop down onto the couch with a sigh. "Apparently now I'm part of Stray Kids" I shrugged. There was a moment of silence as all of them exchanged looks of utter confusion before they all simultaneously erupt into incoherent shouting. Seungmin picked me up but a shrieking Hyunjin instantly tackled both of us to the ground and the others just piled themselves on top of us while screaming and cheering. I couldn't stop laughing at their extra reaction and genuinely felt happy to be with them, quickly forgetting my previous worries about their job.

We all looked up from the floor when Chan walked into the room. Jisung cheered and extended his arms towards Chan, beckoning him over to our pile. He shook his head but still walked towards us. "What's going on here?" he asked with a smile as he looked at us all happily tangled with each other on the ground. Instead of answering, Woojin hooked his leg and made him fall right between me and Seungmin.

All of them laughed and went back to chattering loudly. I giggled and instinctively wrapped my arm around Chan's chest. I didn't move away even when he looked down at me with slight surprise, I just smiled up at him childishly. He smiled back and draped his arm around my shoulders. "Welcome to the team" he told me. I was suddenly very aware of the closeness between us as he spoke fondly to me. I felt my face heat up and turned away from him so he wouldn't notice. 

"Thank you Chan" i nearly whispered without making eye contact. I noticed it get abnormally quiet around us. 

Minho coughed. "Jeongin and Chan just made this weirdly intimate" he pointed out while he himself was wrapped around Jisung like a backpack, playing with his hair. Right, we're the problem here...

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