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We all sat around a large chunky wood table. The smell of smoke from Jisung's cooking attempt still lingered in the air but the actual food smelled absolutely delicious and I couldn't help myself but take a bite from one of the side dishes before the others had settled down. It was just a leaf of kimchi but it tasted like the best thing I've ever eaten. It might be because all I eat is instant cup ramen and pizza.

I glanced up to see if anyone had noticed and caught Chan staring at me. I assume he hasn't realized that I was looking at him since my eyes are mostly covered by my bangs and I for once was thankful for that because I got the chance to see how his lips curled up softly into a smile. I raised my head and couldn't help but smile when he cleared his throat and looked away swiftly. Sneaky mafia boss, my ass. He has the tactics of a high schooler stealing glances at their crush.

I noticed the guy that I didn't meet yet struggling with balancing all the plates of food in his hands so I automatically stood up to help him. I grabbed a few from him and carefully placed them on the table. He seemed slightly confused since we haven't officially met but he still smiled and thanked me politely before placing the other dishes along the center of the table.

"I'm Jeongin by the way, I don't think we met last night" I smiled and extended my hand hoping he was as nice and welcoming as the other boys.

He looked at me and laughed a little before reaching for a hand towel and wiping his sauce covered hands before firmly gripping mine. "Yeah I was busy stitching that kid back up last night" he said pointing over his shoulder where Jisung was sitting all bandaged up but still childishly smiling from ear to ear. "I'm Woojin" he finally said and squeezed my hand harder.

I nodded, he gave my shoulder a tough smack before we both sat down. "So I've been hearing about you these past couple of days" he spoke up again as he cut up his chicken.

"Oh really?" I asked nervously, glancing at Minho who wasn't paying attention to anything but his boyfriend.

"All good things, mostly about your involvement in helping out our boys" he said, chewing a mouthful of his tasty looking chicken. The way he said it made him sound like a mother meeting her sons friend. "which all of us are thankful for" he put emphasis on 'all of us' while glaring at Chan who purposely avoided looking up at him and pretended to be captivated by the steaming dishes on the table. I guess the boss isn't too fond of me being here.

"lucky that he happened to work at that flowershop i ran into otherwise those BtoB guys would have knocked me out" Minho cut the tension between Chan and Woojin.

That reminded me of something i wanted to find out. "speaking of which" i said but was a little interrupted by Felix handing me a plate already full of food for me. I quickly bowed my head thankfully before continuing my thought. I directed my stare directly towards the boss. "I want to go to work" at that, all seven of them looked up at me and then turned to Chan who slowly raised his eyes to meet mine. Oh, he did not look happy with that idea.

It was as if everything had frozen. No one spoke and waited for Chan's response, Woojin even stopped eating that chicken that he seemed to very much enjoy.

"Do you like putting yourself at risk or something?" I was uncomfortable with the low tone of his voice as he spoke that sentence. I felt like I was about to be lectured. "mindlessly trusting people, carelessly running towards a fight without thinking of the consequences" he listed off with his voice so calm it felt suffocating. I felt targeted and pinpointed as if i was a kid being grounded by their parents. I looked down at my lap where my fingers were laced together from discomfort. "anyone would have learned their lesson the first time but not you, you just have to dive right back into danger. You have no regard for your own well being and I'm not going to be the one to babysit you." his voice was progressively getting more strained from anger. "I graciously welcomed you into our home when i could have just killed you right off the bat, especially with your irritating and uncontrollable teenage sass" He practically shouted the last part and i was now certain that was what he hates most about me, amongst many other things apparently. "Sure, go to your little shop and get yourself killed. Your safety is no longer any of my business. I've been generous enough" His breathing was heavy and i could very distinctively feel him glaring at me.

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