Not An Update

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Yeah i hate when ppl post these instead of a chapter but here i am ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's been a while since i updated and i just wanted to explain a bit.

My finals have started so i don't have much time or motivation to be writing right now cause you know studying and stuff. I'm sure you understand what i mean. So I probably won't be posting until at least the 21st which will be the day of my last exam so please sit tight and stay patient i will make sure to make a great chapter when everything is done. Thanks for understanding.

On another note, i wanted to thank everyone for the support.

I was going to write this when i hit 5k reads but looky here, its already over 5,7k

that's almost six thousand

I'm so happy and i can't believe this, i had no idea this story would do so well but i am so glad that so many people enjoy it it gives me motivation to keep writing. I love reading everyone's comments and reactions it just makes my day when someone tells me they genuinely liked something i wrote.

I'm also so amazed that my story is #1 in:

#bangchan (out of 4.7k stories)


#jeongchan (out of 535 stories)

I am so grateful to all of you and i hope you guys keep reading and enjoying this story

anywayssssss guyssss - Cle 2 : yellow wood - has been announced!!! The trailer is so dramatic i love everything about it they all look so fantastic there are already so many theories and I'm living for it. The teaser pictures are phenomenal, this is such a visual era, every single member looks divine. Living for those strong ot9 visuals. Someone catch me i have fallen in love with skz all over again. Also that little snippet of the song at the end of the trailer had me flipping out. I'm assuming its the beat from the title track Side Effect. I can't wait to hear it, i heard someone say that its going to be psytrance which i am 101% not ready for. Even tho this album is just 3 songs its already so powerful it was beyond me and the jyp demon possessed me in the middle of math class to preorder the i did...yup during math class...i need help

wallet has left the chat, money.exe not found (i need a job)

If they release their lightstick any time soon i am literally going bankrupt

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It was too soon.

I'm kinda annoyed that its coming out before my exams end since its veryyyyy distracting but its alright since i don't have an exam on the 19th so yayyy i have a full day to cry over it

are you guys excited? Cause I'm majorly hyped.

Tell me your thoughts on this comeback in the comments while we wait

Well then, ill be back after the 21st of june with a new update, wish me luck on surviving my exams and the comeback

Baiii~~~ <3

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