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"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to get rid of that tense awkward silence that filled the car for the past twenty minutes. Chan said nothing and took an exit from the highway. He pulled into a small commercial parking lot and parked the car.

He straightened his jacket and turned to me. "We're here" he said simply. I looked out the window and saw a tailor shop. He made me leave work to go suit shopping?

Before I could give him a piece of my mind he sliped out of the car and walked to the other side to open mine. I can open doors on my own, I'm not a woman. If anything shouldn't it be the other way around? He is the boss afterall. I quietly jumped out of the car as well, trying not to touch any surface of the insanely expensive vehicle. The car that the boys drive me in was nothing compared to this luxury. He shut the door behind me and followed closely as I walked to the store.

"Good afternoon Mr. Bang how may we assist you today?" Five employees stood lined up at the entrance and bowed at a straight angle as if they had been waiting at the door their entire life to say that.

"I need this one to be fitted and made presentable" he said, pushing me forward by the shoulders. All of them grabbed me and started ushering me to a dressing room. "Also, please do something with that hair of his, he looks like a grade schooler" he practically begged. There is nothing wrong with my hair, he should look at his own hair when he's back home. He looks like a bleached shag dog.

I got tossed into the dressing room and told to take off my clothes to get measured. They wrapped their little tape measures around probably every part of my body they could reach. Eventually a couple of them rushed out to pick out some premade suits.

Even the dressing room itself looked pretty exquisite, the red velour divider curtain made it feel almost theatrical and the walls were patterned with delicate gold.

Two ladies came back with a suit in each hand. I tried all of them on but could not see myself since there was not a single mirror in this wide dressing room. The only critics were the staff. They settled on one and shoved me out of the dressing room where Chan was comfortably sitting in a leather armchair sipping on hot coffee. His eyes darted up at me and his cup froze in front of his lips. He slowly lowered his drink and scanned me rather intensely. I just stood there like he was the final judge in an audition

"You look good" he practically mumbled under his breath but i just managed catch onto his words. I didn't understand why but I started smiling uncontrollably after his compliment. I felt like an achievement to have received a positive word out of him for once. If only he was always like that.

"Thank you" I smiled a played with the bottom of the suit jacket. I was then directed to a large wall mirror where I could finally see myself. The suit looked incredible. I never wore a full suit before. It was fairly simple, just a form fitting black suit but the lining on the hems of the jacket were a light tan color that especially stood out around the collar. The undershirt was classic white topped off with a neat black skinny tie. Luckily the staff decided to keep my hair as is because I wouldn't have tolerated any gel in my hair.

He stood up and put down his cup. He thanked all the employees while i kept staring at myself in the mirror at every angle. I ended up being forcefully yanked away from the mirror by a rushing Chan who lead me back to the car to get to the next location. I couldn't imagine what could be so important for me to have to close up my shop and wear this fancy outfit.

Once again Chan gentlemanly opened the car door for me and went to his own side of the car. We drove for a good thirty minutes. Chan wouldn't tell me much about where we were going. He just told me to behave myself and not act like a rebellious teen. From what he said it sounded like we were going to meet someone and i was slowly getting nervous. What could possibly require me to attend?

"i assume you've heard about YG already?" He started after a long silence. I nodded, i literally only got told what YG was a couple hours ago. "Our group also has ties with an association of the sort. But we're mostly independent, we do our own business without their involvement." I just nodded but i had no clue what he was getting at. "The association is lead by a very important person" he looked over at me with nothing but seriousness in his expression.

Oh hell no.

I was driving to my actual death at the moment. To meet the boss of all mafia bosses. This is actually insane. Why am i here? I should have been shot the day i first saved Minho, i wouldn't have to be in this situation. What was going to happen? Am i going to get questioned? Am i still suspected for being some kind of spy? Am i going to die?

The car halts at a gate entrance, four times the size of the one at our place. There was an actual booth with a person, it felt like we were crossing the border and i was the illegal cargo.

"name" the scary man from behind the glass demanded through his microphone.

Chan pulled out some type of ID as he said "Chris Bang, I'm here to see JYP" he explained calmly. The gate man smirked in disbelief as he glanced at me then back at Chan. I felt my hands trembling so I hid them under my legs and bit down on my lip out of anxiety. This felt like a movie.

The man reached out for a walkie talkie "There is a Chris Bang with a pet claiming to have a meeting with the boss" he said almost mockingly but Chan seemed so relaxed as if he knew we would get through.

"let them in" said a static female voice from the device. The guy's expression fell as he put down his communication device in defeat. He glared at me as he smashed a button that made the huge gates open up and let us through.

"enjoy your visit, puppy" he snarled at me but Chan rolled up his window in the middle of the guys sentence and drove away.

"ignore the gate guys, they're just there for decoration" he assured me in a soft comforting tone. It helped a bit but i still felt insanely anxious of what was to come. I was so in my head, i was staring at my lap as thoughts clouded my mind and my heart was going a million miles an hour. I almost forgot how to breathe. "Jeongin" i could hear his voice but i couldn't move to look up at him or mutter a single word in response. I flinched when i felt his hand rest on my knee. I managed to look at him and saw that he was smiling softly. "Relax" he whispered. "You'll be fine. Ill make sure of that" he brushed his thumb against my leg in a comforting manner. I took a deep breath and nodded. It suddenly felt really hot in this suit and i turned away to look out the window. His hand remained on my leg until he pulled into the insanely large garage and parked the car.

We made our way out, Chan kept telling me that everything was going to be fine. We went through a bunch of long empty corridors and took an actual elevator to the top floor. I couldn't even imagine how huge this place was. Our mansion was probably the size of one bathroom in here. 

With Chan's relentless attempts to make me feel less nervous I had actually felt a lot more calm and comfortable. At least until we arrived to wide double doors. On a golden plaque hanging on the door was engraved very boldly:



This is a kind of transition chapter so it's not that special but it's got some nice fluff scattered here and there for your enjoyment

Jeongin is bout to meet JYP, pray for him.

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