Twenty Eight

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As I stirred the leaves that simmered in the pot i felt the hot steam brushing against my face with a slightly pleasant aroma. Wouldn't expect such a deadly plant to smell so sweet.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when i felt someone grab my waist without any warning. By the lack of sounding footsteps it's safe to assume that it was the boss.

"are you still mad at me?" he pouted as he rested his chin on my shoulder from behind. I didnt answer and pretended to be very focused on stirring that water. "I'm sorry" he continued. I covered the pot with a lid and sighed.

"you know how important my job is to me"

"I know, I just-"

"its the one thing i have left of my normal life. It was my lifelong dream to open up that shop. If i lose touch of my shop then it will be taken from me and then there really will be nothing left for me to care about" I slowly turned to face him as our bodies were already pressed together. I looked down at his chest, refusing to make eye contact. His suits always fit so nicely on his toned body.

He lifted up my chin gently for our eyes to meet. "Please accept my apology" he whispered before planting a short kiss on my lips. "I can't stand you being angry at me" he dipped down once more for another kiss, deeper and slower than our last. My legs quickly began losing strength as i melted in his embrace. He seemed to notice my lack of balance and pulled me up to straddle his waist. I hooked my ankles behind his back. He moved away from the stove and slammed my back against the nearest wall, his lips not leaving mine, not even for a single breath. His body pressed harder against mine to keep me up against the wall. My hands quickly found place in his coarse hairsprayed locks as i tugged harshly to pull him away. He let out a low arousing growl at the action to which i bit my lip.

"is this how you resolve conflict?" my voice was low and breathy as my mind still rocked from our kiss.

His head still tilted back slightly as my hand hung in his hair. His exposed neck almost seemed inviting.

"you know I'm not good with words. After all its the actions that really count" he smirked, noticing how my eyes wandered down his neck. His fingers paced along my thigh that clung tightly around his waist.

"and i suppose you expect me to forgive you if you just kiss me?" I taunted.

"oh babyboy, I can do much more than that" his eyes trailed down my body. The way the nickname rolled off his tongue had my insides flipping. I gripped at his hair to redirect his eyes back at my face and leaned down to reconnect our lips

"oh hell no" a voice sounded from behind us. Our heads snap back to the kitchen entrance where stood Woojin already reaching for a rolling pin. "there will be none of that in my kitchen"

Chan instantly stepped back, letting me fall back onto my feet. We both stood there with our heads hanging low. "didn't think you would be back so early" Chan mumbled.

"that doesnt give you the right to be fucking in my kitchen" Woojin waved the rolling pin in Chan's face in a threatening manner. "Especially while something cooking on the stove" he pointed to my poison cooking. I almost forgot about it. I quickly opened the lid to check how it was doing and turned down the heat a little. Woojin sighed and lowered his weapon. "Look, im glad you two are getting along but could you please get along somewhere out of my sight? I have no desire to watch my best friend getting it on with my son"

"your son?" I scoffed.

"of course, you're Stray Kids' baby" he said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"im not that much younger than everyone" i reminded. He just shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. I glanced over at Chan who had this smug expression. "the hell you smiling at" I hit his chest with the back of my hand. He only laughed and hugged me from the back. "hey didnt you hear what Woojin said?" I tried to squirm out of his hold. He placed a few feathery kisses along my jaw and down my neck.

"of course I heard him but who do you think the boss is in this house?" he chuckled and kissed my cheek before letting go of me and hopping up on the counter "what are you cooking in there?" he pointed at the stove.

"making the deadly nightshade infusion" I said. He blinked twice, clearly not understanding a word i said. "poison" I clarified in simple terms.

"make sure to throw that pot out when you're done, I don't want any casualties here" he warned. I just nodded and opened the fridge for something to drink.

Ugh its full of alcohol. Don't they have any normal drinks? I just grabbed a water bottle that they probably only use for hangovers.

"are you ready for the mission?" he shot out of nowhere. I closed the fridge and placed the water bottle on the counter next to him.

"I don't think you can ever be ready for something like that" I sighed, pushing myself up to sit next to him. He only hummed in response. "earlier today, before you called, i was talking to Suho" i started. Chan looked at me with his eyes wide. "it was strange to see how excited he was to watch his ex husband die a painful death. At some point even i started to sound like i was going to enjoy it as well and it freaked me out" I said remembering how i explained the poison's effects with much detail and interest. It didn't sound like me. That wasn't me.

"Its hard not to lose yourself in this line of business. When i first started going on missions i would find thrill in what i did because i knew i had nothing more to lose. I had already lost everything" Chan looked down at his hands that visibly began to tremble. I instinctively put my hand in his and felt it gently wrap around mine. He looked up at me with the most loving smile as he brought our linked hands up to his face and kissed my fingers soflty. "it's important to have something to keep you grounded in reality, for me it was meeting Jisung and Changbin who always kept me in check so i wouldn't go overboard. For you it might be your shop and I'm sorry for acting so childishly today, I'll make sure to respect your work from now on" I felt myself on the verge of tears as he spoke so softly to me. "Will you forgive me?" I dropped my head on his shoulder and sniffled to refrain from crying.

"how can i not?"


Dammit why Jeongin always getting cockblocked. First by his scar and now Woojin.

I'm just a tease i guess.

The JeongChan be strong in this chapter, hope you enjoyed that cuz next chapter gonna be the start of the missionnnnn

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