Twenty Six

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Its the day before the mission deadline. I can't focus on my work at all. Felix couldn't come accompany me because there was something urgent he had to take care of. Jisung came only to sneak out to go on a date with Minho on his only day off. It doesn't feel right to be alone in this shop anymore. Its so empty. Today is possibly the worst day to be left alone with my thoughts.

A man wandered into the shop. There was a strange look in his eye. He scanned me before turning to the bucket of premade bouquets. I felt a peculiar sense of danger radiating from him. He couldn't be another YG lackey, right? I'm just being paranoid because of all those thoughts of the mission swimming in my mind.

He walked between the displayed plants and shot me another look. "Are you looking for something in particular?" I called out in an unusually weak voice. He snorted at my question as if it was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. He started walking up to the counter where i was standing. I instinctively tensed up which he seemed to notice.

"Don't worry kid, I'm no one you should be afraid of" He assured in a calm tone. I surprisingly trusted his word. He doesn't look like he came to cause harm, he just has that intimidating aura that i know all too well.

"Then who are you?" I asked wearily.

"You might know me by the name Suho" He answered. It took me a second to recognize the name. He was the one who hired Stray Kids as mercenaries to get rid of his ex husband. He's the one cashing in for the dirty work I'm ought to do tomorrow night. He chuckled at how I froze from the realization. "When i heard that Chris let some rookie kid lead my husband's execution I just had to know what kind of character you were" I somehow felt insulted by the way he phrased that sentence, i have a feeling he doesn't like me much.

"I would hardly say that I'm leading the mission, I'm just the one serving his death on a silver platter" I shrugged. I'm just a secret pawn in this complicated game lead by the real masterminds.

Suho had a good laugh at my words. "I see, you guys chose to use poison. I did reserve the freedom of choosing the killing method to Chris, though I didn't think he would choose something so subtle, he does like to cause a scene after all" He plucked a bloom off the bouquet that stood on display on the counter and began stripping it of its petals one by one.

"Actually it was my suggestion" I said quietly as i brushed off the petals onto the floor.

"Is that so? Please tell me you chose something painful enough to have him suffer a little before he dies and not that quick working cyanide crap" he pleaded dreadfully. That's the voice of someone who can't wait for his revenge.

"Atropa belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, its sure to cause him delirium and convulsions at the very least but at the concentrate I'm planning to serve it in its definitely going to mess with his nervous system for a while until his heart rate increases to its breaking limit" I explained the scientific details of my thought process which had me realize how i sounded slightly mentally disturbed. Then again, I always loved reading about old medicinal plants and herbal poisons since i was young so perhaps it affected me more than i had expected.

"I'm already starting to like you" He smirked, plucking the last petal off the flower stem. "This type of things strangely suits a flower boy like yourself. Who would have thought that under that mask of innocence lies a killer mind" He pondered.

The front door suddenly bust open, the windchimes clanked violently against the glass. An awkward looking lanky man tumbled in with a panicked expression "Boss, Baek is hungry" He shouted like it was the end of the world. I looked back at Suho who rubbed at his temples in a stressed manner. Seems like all gang leaders are in a constant state of stress because somehow all their members are like children.

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