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"are you guys in a gang?"

"Oh come on, look at him, the kid is clueless" Hyunjin exclaimed pointing at me. I appreciate him standing up for me but I still feel offended by his tactics. "Chan, you can't-"

"I do what I must to make sure our group remains safe, I will not allow some scrawny undercover spy to- what are you doing?" Chan fumed with anger as he accused me of everything that I am not without any evidence or proof other than my lucky near death encounters that I only survived thanks to my nerves, quick thinking and a pair of scissors.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm tying my goddamn shoes" I muttered while kneeling on the ground and fumbling with my shoe laces.

"Aw he said a bad word" Seungmin cooed as he held his chest like he was proudly watching his son utter is first words.

"Did you expect me to pull out a machete out of my sock or something? Don't compare me to a low life like you" I sassed while looking at the ground, still not believing his ridiculous accusations. Especially if they were in a gang, wouldn't they know how to tell apart a gang member from a normal person? Chan huffed and marched right up to me and pulled me up by the collar of my hoodie.

"You should learn how to keep your mouth shut" he growled as he violently tossed me to the ground. I hissed when my hip hit roughly against the floor. Both Seungmin and Hyunjin flinched at the action but remained still and silent to avoid the wrath of their boss.

I still wasn't done with him. I was going to prove him wrong. "I saved two of your men, I risked my fucking head for them and you accuse me of wanting to cause you harm?" I cried out. His expression didn't change one bit. "I could have left Minho to get caught by those thugs. I could have walked away from the fight and let Jisung die. But I didn't, I helped them, I put my life on the line to keep Minho hidden, I put my life on the line to get the guys away from Jisung so I could carry him out to safety" I kept going until my vision blurred from the overflowing tears as they rolled down the long of my cheeks. "Do you know how scared I was?" Those were the last words that I was able to choke out before I hid my face in my hands as my quiet sobs filled the silence of the room.

I heard Chan click his tongue and march out of the office. Suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around me, I glanced up to see Hyunjin with tears also streaming down his face as he hugged me tightly. I sniffled grossly before hugging him back.

Seungmin kneeled down beside me and placed a comforting hand on my back. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I'm also sorry about Chan" he lowered his eyes to the floor. "He's very overprotective of us, he doesn't trust anybody outside of our group in order to avoid being tricked, manipulated or exposed." I've watched enough action movies to understand what he meant but I was still so furious towards Chan for thinking so lowly of me when he knew nothing about me. Something drove me to make him believe i was trustworthy. He's a boss in a gang but for some reason that didn't stop me from speaking my mind despite the possible consequences. He could have killed me at any moment if he didn't like what I was saying. Maybe I was convincing enough for him to spare my life at least.

As I processed what had happened, another familiar face popped into the room. It was the scary guy from the entrance. "I heard what happened so I came to see if you're alright" he said looking down at me apologetically.

"I'm fine" I sniffled and rubbed at my face vigorously with my sleeves. "He's just a jerk" I scoffed and pat Hyunjin's head because he was still crying and clinging onto me for some reason, what a crybaby.

"Yeah he does seem that way" the guy admitted as he walked in and sat crossed legged beside us. "He just acts like that for our sake" he just said the same thing that Seungmin had explained. They all saw him as a caring leader which I clearly fail to see at the moment. They seem to really respect him though so they may be right.

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