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"i don't hate him though" I furrowed my brows at my own words. Woojin seemed surprised by them too. "Even though he bullies me, suspects me and glares at me. I can't bring myself to hate him for some reason" even as I said it out loud it sounded ridiculous and made no sense.

Woojin stared at me from the side and I felt like taking back everything I just said. "Anyways" I coughed and tried to change subject. "What's with this empty hallway?" I asked looking at the window at the end of the corridor.

"It's my sniper spot" he answered casually as he stood to his feet. He walked up to the window and pretended to be in position for shooting. "The view is great too" he added, beckoning me over to his side. I was curious to see what it looked like. I pushed myself up with the help of the wall and shuffled over to him.

It was much more beautiful than the view from the window in the room I stayed in. It was the backyard of the mansion. There was a gorgeous lily pond filled with bright butterfly koi fish. There was a whole garden filled with roses and chrysanthemums. "Roses normally don't bloom this late in autumn" I thought out loud. Looking at the pretty flower garden made me long for my shop even more. Woojin probably noticed my expression because he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I can ask Hyunjin to give you a tour of the gardens if you'd like" he suggested. That did sound nice. "In the meantime, I'll knock some sense into Chan" he said as he rolled up his sleeves. "Go straight, take the second left and your room is the door at the end of the hall. Get changed, I'll send Hyunjin your way in a minute" he said. I just nodded and started following the directions he gave me. I really didn't want him to argue with the boss because of me but I couldn't say anything since he had already run off.

Back at the room I struggled with deciding what to wear. I really couldn't wear yesterday's clothes but I also didn't really want to wear Chan's clothes mostly since they didn't fit right. I gave up and just wore the most okay fitting white skinny jeans along with a baby blue striped sweatshirt that practically swallowed me whole. Why does this guy wear such large clothes?

Hyunjin eventually knocked on the door and invited himself in while I was putting my earrings back on. "Nice outfit" was the first thing he said to which I smiled.

"I think it could fit a little better" I said pinching the extra jean fabric around my thighs.

"That's true" he giggled and I walked towards him. "I'll tell Changbin to get your clothes from your apartment today" he assured before leading me out of the room. I guess I really am moving here for good.

We made our way out of the mansion and I was hit with the crisp morning air of the outdoors. It felt much more fresh than it did in the city and it was much needed after everything that happened. I took a few deep breaths and caught up to Hyunjin who was way ahead of me.

I could already smell the roses before we even reached them. I happily skipped ahead of Hyunjin and took a look at the tall bushes of pink roses. They were perfect. They had no pests, not a single dry or yellowed leaf and the actual flowers were majestic and healthy. Every other bush or plant I walked up to was exactly the same way. Not a single flaw could've been detected. As I inspected the blooms, I had completely forgotten about Hyunjin's presence until he spoke up.

"You really like flowers, don't you?" he pointed out as he watched me inspect every leaf and flower in the surrounding area. I snapped out of my mania and looked over at him smelling a mature rose bloom that he had picked off one of the bushes.

I shrugged and grazed my finger lightly across the thorns so they wouldn't pierce my skin. "It's my job. It's the one thing that fascinated me since I was young" I explained.

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