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Tension filled the room as nobody spoke.

I glanced at Hyunjin who avoided my eyes and lowered his head. I furrowed my brows, why is everyone behaving so strangely this morning? Everyone's eyes flickered to the door as the boss entered the room, his eyes instantly darting towards mine. He was still in his sleep wear which made him look harmless but his eyes were shooting bullets at me. Did i do something wrong again?

He greeted everyone and sat on a separate armchair in front of us, almost looks like a king sitting on his throne in front of his subjects. "I have a couple missions to give out" he announced then turned his head to Hyunjin who had already pulled out a couple files. "Since Jisung is injured, Changbin, you will be taking care of the unfinished mission with Minho" he explained while Hyunjin handed a folder to Changbin who opened it up started reading all its details. "Ask Minho for any clarifications" Changbin looked up from the papers and nodded.

I looked over to Minho who had Jisung sleeping soundly on his lap as he combed his fingers through his hair. They must have had a good talk last night, I'm glad.

"Woojin, NCT are proposing an alliance to overthrow YG's connections" Chan continued. Hyunjin scurried to Woojin to hand him his files.

Woojin thoughtfully scanned the pages he was given. "Aren't they that huge gang with the biggest weapon supply in the industry?" He asked excitedly as he flipped the pages.

"yes, i think it could definitely be beneficial to associate with more gangs from the SM branch and i want you to negotiate the terms of our alliance"

I watched the members talking about their own business affairs and was starting to get deathly bored. What's the point of me coming to these meetings? I could have just slept some more.

As if on cue with my thoughts, i heard my name being called out. I abruptly raised my head only to see everybody staring at the ground with frowns. Hyunjin handed me the last remaining folder and sat back down. Opening up the files, the first page read "Mission class SS : Red Dinner".

I glared up at Chan who was comfortably leaning back in his chair and picking at his nails. "are you kidding me?" I snapped, throwing the folder on the ground. Is this guy out of his mind?

"the Red Dinner is an assassination request that was sent to us by Suho from one of SM's gangs" Chan started explaining without caring one bit about what i had to say about this. "By your own suggestion, you are to infiltrate the kitchen of the restaurant that the dinner will be held at and eliminate the victim by methods of intoxication by poison" he continued, he was clearly enjoying making fun of me like this. My hands balled up into fists but i refrained from making any moves as Hyunjin had a firm grip on my leg as a warning.

Clearly the others knew that this was decided, that explains their behavior. No one even tried to argue against their boss' decision. Despite Hyunjin's attempt to keep me down, I stood up sharply. "I am not going to kill anybody" i stated firmly. I thought i had made it clear yesterday that i refuse to take somebody's life.

The boss glared up at me and slowly stood up from his throne to meet me at my eye level. He came as close as space could allow and didn't break eye contact. "You have nobody to impress with your morals, Jeongin" he spat my name in such a tone that it made it sound like an insult. The small volume of air between us grew tense. 

"what do you know?" i shot back with the same amount of venom coating my words.

Chan scoffed without smiling. "I know that you're an unwanted cowardly brat who ran away from home" he shot each word clearly to make sure it hit harder. I didn't break eye contact with him, though i felt like i was being unraveled. "you're alone kid, stop trying to play this ideal role. No one is expecting anything from you" he whispered before Woojin pulled him away from me.

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