Chapter 15 - Parents and jealousy

Start from the beginning

"His name is Beck, we broke up months ago. I didn't tell you because I didn't think you would care, as you never even asked me to meet him in more than two years that we were together. You simply don't care about what I do" Jade interjected

"That's were you are wrong Jade... I should have been more interested about him, that's true, afterall he was your boyfriend. But I definetely care about you and your life choices, Jade. You're my daughter. When you decided to attend Hollywood Arts, I used to think that you were just wasting your time, but I was wrong. And I realized that after attending your play last year..."

"Really?" Jade asked him

"Of course. I told you it was excellent" he replied

"Yeah, but I remember your expression that day. It didn't look like you were too enthusiast about it..." Jade said.

"I wasn't because I was feeling guilty... Guilty, because while watching your play I realized I made a mistake by not understanding your passions before, when you were younger. I wanted to tell you that, but I've never been good to talk about my feelings, and for that I apologize to you" Sean West said.

"I guess you and me are identical on certain aspects then..." Jade said to her dad before glancing at Tori, who was smiling at her.

"But that spark you have in your eyes when you look at her..." her father continued to say motioning to Tori after Jade had looked at her "It's the same you had when you wanted to attend Hollywood Arts, and I wasn't agree... And you proved me wrong. You proved me how much you cared about your dreams and that performing was really your way. I'm sorry for not believing in you" Jade's father paused. A tear escaped from one of Jade's eye but she quickly wiped it. "But I promise I won't to do the same mistake twice... If this girl... Victoria right?" he asked and Tori nodded, but Jade corrected him "She goes by Tori" so her father continued "Tori... If she is really so important to you, and you care about her to the point of saying that you're in love with her... I won't be opposed to your relationship. You are almost an adult now, and you are very smart and capable of making your own decisions. So, you have my blessing" he concluded.

Tori was wiping tears from her eyes with a tissue, while Jade looked dazed and was slightly shaking.

"Mom... Dad... thank you" was all she was able to say after a long silence before burying her face in her hands and starting to sob because of her tears of joy. Tori started to hug her, crying on her own, while Jade's mother stood up and after a second of hesitation she started to hug both of them.

"It's ok girls... I'm so sorry I reacted that way, when you first told me about you. I made a mistake, I apologize" she said, her voice shaking like she was trying to hold her tears too.

After some moments Jade stood up and Tori released her so that her girlfriend could hug her mom better. Jade's dad also stood up in that moment and waited for her ex wife to release his daughter to hug her too. After hugging Jade, Sean patted an hand a couple of times on Tori's shoulder nodding at her.

Tori couldn't be happier to see Jade bonding with her parents again, and knowing that finally her parents knew about them and accepted their relationship...

From now on things are going to be always better for us the Latina thought with a wide smile on her face while watching her girlfriend wiping her tears and smiling a bit embarassed but happy.


Two months later

In the last two months many things happened for the couple. Tori and Jade had spent time with both of the Goth's parents, having dinner with her mom and go eating more than once with Jade's dad at the same italian restaurant where her parents used to take her as a kid, and also the same where Tori and Jade had their first date. They really seemed determined to keep their promise of being part of their daughter's life. Both girls couldn't be happier. Even if Jade was trying to act like her usual self at school, everyone was noticing her good mood. Jade couldn't help it... She couldn't even remember the last time she had felt so happy. And she knew it was all thanks to Tori. For that reason Jade started to be all lovey-dovey with Tori when they were alone. She wanted to make her girlfriend just as happy as she was. Jade had not been a very good girlfriend when she was with Beck especially when it came to making presents. She could still remember how she had gotten the boy a can of lemonade for his birthday once... But now she wanted to change that, cause she knew Tori was into this kind of sappy stuff. And it was worth doing it just to see her girlfriend smile at her. 

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