Chapter 5 - School time

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Jade smirked "You're so freaking hot too Tori Vega... so why don't we make things even hotter?" Jade said with a seductive face taking Tori between her arms again. 

Tori smiled shyly in her embrace "It's just... I just don't want our first time to be so rushed... and in the janitor's closet at school" Tori said, her cheeks turning red as she looked down saying "Sorry, are you... mmh disappointed?" 

Jade smiled at her and lifted her chin with one hand so the Latina could look at her again. Tori was slightly taller than her that day because she had her favorite pair of high heeled black boots on, but she still looked so small and fragile at Jade's eyes. She was different from Beck. In that moment Jade realized how much cuter she was. Her body was so thin that Jade could have easily hugged her with only one arm.

"Of course not Tori. Actually I am sorry. I got carried away. We are together from only a few hours, I should at least take you out on a date before, right?" Jade told her smiling

Tori giggled "That would be nice, but it's not why I stopped you. It's just that I am..." Tori stopped talking and glanced at Jade, shyly 

Jade looked at her with a questioning look "Yes?" she asked

Tori looked down again "I've never been... intimate with a girl before. And not even with a boy, if I have to be honest... When I was with Danny, I immediately told him I didn't feel ready and I thought it was because we were both so young at the time, but then with Ryder and Steven it was the same. I was always finding excuses to tell them I couldn't... I guess I just didn't want to do it. I don't know, maybe I was always gay or maybe I just didn't feel ready with them either. Anyway, yeah uhmm... I'm a virgin. Gosh I'm so embarrassed" Tori said turning red all over her already flushed face and quickly glancing at Jade before looking away again, like she feared that she would have made fun of her.

Jade looked at her smiling tenderly, instead. She was expecting Tori to have never been with a girl before. Afterall Jade herself only ever had sex with Beck, so making love with a woman would have been something completely new for her too. Though Jade, had watched quite a few lesbians porns online during the years she had never been with a girl. Before fully realize to be bi, Jade used to think that she only liked to fantasize on girls and that she preferred to watch those kind of videos just to get herself off when she couldn't see Beck, cause he was the only boy she liked. But now looking at Tori's slim figure and so vulnerable look, she came to the conclusion that she definitely liked girls more. And Tori more than any other girl. What Jade didn't expect was Tori to be a virgin. Sometimes Jade had found herself giving a thought or two about how Tori was like in bed, feeling angry when she couldn't explain herself why she was envying the Latina's boyfriends for having the answer to that question. But apparently Tori had never let her ex boyfriends go past second base with her. Tori was still a virgin. The thought of being the first one for Tori, was making Jade feel flattered and excited at the same time.

I'll be the first time of the most gorgeous girl in school - Jade thought. She felt her heart starting to beat faster in her chest.

Jade smirked. She knew that many people at school wanted to be in her place in that moment, boys and girls (yes, even some girls, Jade was sure about it. Tori was very popular and good looking afterall, and Jade had caught more than one girl checking the Latina out during classes, so she was glad that Tori had just realized to be into chicks, or the probabilities of the younger Vega being still single by now, would've been practically non existing). But right now Tori was only hers, Jade was thinking, feeling happy like she had just won the lottery. She took Tori's face between her hands to make the Latina look at her in the eyes. Tori was still red on her cheeks. 

"Tori it's ok, you don't have to be embarassed about it. I'm actually glad you didn't let those assholes get what they wanted. No one should tell you what to do with your body. And I don't want you to feel like we have to do it either." Jade reassured her

Tori looked at her "So, you don't want to...?" 

"Oh trust me I want... Maybe too much even as you may have noticed considering that I was all over you last night and a few moments ago" Jade told her

Tori giggled "Don't worry. I liked every second of you being 'all over me'" 

Jade smirked "I'm glad to hear it. But I want you to know that I'm not like those guys. I'm willing to wait for you as long as you need. I'm just happy to be with you" Jade replied smiling

Seeing Jade's smile, Tori felt relieved pecked her with a kiss on the lips "I'm happy to be with you too... And I know you are not like them. The guys I was with never told something so nice. They just looked disappointed when I was telling them I didn't feel ready. Like I was too much of a... prude. Danny actually told me that once. It's one of the reason I broke up with him. I told Trina about it and she told me it was my fault for acting too precious" Tori was saying as her smile fell

"But a wonderful girl like you IS very precious, Tori. And needs to be treated as such." Jade told her smiling

Tori's face lit up before she kissed her again. When they pulled apart Tori said "Aw Jade..." 

"By the way you can't prove to anyone I said that." Jade quickly told her. 

Tori rolled her eyes but giggling "Jade I... really like you" Tori was barely able to stop herself from telling the Goth that she loved her. She didn't know if it was too soon or not for Jade to hear those words and she didn't want to risk.

"I really like you too Tori, but I'm serious. If you tell anyone that I told you those sappy things, I will deny it" 

"Oof, I get it!" Tori said faking annoyance before she started blushing. "Jade? Can I tell you a secret?" she whispered. 

Jade smiled and nodded

"With you... I feel different. I think I might be ready to... you know..." Tori told her

Jade's eyes went wide and she felt a rush of arousal all over her body

Tori laughed "Not right now, like in this very moment... But, you know, just keep romancing me" she winked

Jade chuckled "Oh I will, you little tease!" 

Tori giggled "Alright! Come on now, first class is Sikowitz's today!" 

"A perfect occasion to show everyone my girl!" Jade replied looking happy like Tori had never seen her before

Tori's heart skipped a beat hearing Jade say that. But just to make sure she had heard her right she asked "So we... I can tell everyone that we are... girlfriend and girlfriend?"

Jade smiled at her and kissed Tori's cheek "Yes, girlfriends" and with that they came out together, hand in hand, not only from the Janitor's closet but also to the whole school, heading to Sikowitz's class.

A Jori Story: After The Platinum Awardsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن