Chapter 2 - ...It wasn't true right?

Start from the beginning

If I tell her my true feelings the best I could hope for is that she won't freak out and will reject me nicely by keep being friends with me. But thing is... I don't want us to be friends, cause I know that it won't be enough for me. That's not what I want... how I want her. I want us to be more than that. I want us to be a couple. I want to kiss her better than she's ever been kissed before.

This is not just a physical attraction like I thought at first. I wish it was, so I could have gotten over it. But it isn't. I love her whole person and I want to be with her. But I can't, cause I know she won't. There I admit it: I love Tori Vega.

"Jadey, are you ok? You're so quiet." Cat's voice interrupted the Goth's thoughts while she was driving towards Tori's.

"I'm fine and for the hundredth time, don't call me 'Jadey'" Jade replied sternly to her friend

"Oki doki then. Are you happy to spend some time with me and Tori? It's been awhile since we spent time together just the three of us and I think Tori really likes our company especially yours"

"What? And why would she? I'm always mean to her, and by the way I'm only here because I have nothing better to do" but despite her lie, Jade couldn't help but wonder if Tori really liked her company

Well she seemed pretty happy when I accepted to go to her house today at school... but then again it's Tori she is always in a good mood

"We will have fun Jade, I brought 'The Lion King' it's one of my favorite movies!" Cat was continuing to say

"No, if we are going to watch a movie we will watch what I like. I brought MY favorite movie, 'The Scissoring'" Jade replied

"But Jade, last time you tried to make me watch that movie I had nightmares for like a month and my brother kept making fun of me!"

"You usually drift off to sleep halfway through a movie anyway, so we can watch your movie and then Tori and I can watch the Scissoring after you pass out"

"You know Jade, you can just tell me if you want some alone time with Tori"

Jade gripped the wheel tightly a bit embarrassed "What? Why would I want that? Me and Tor-Vega don't even get along"

Cat giggled "You almost called her Tori again, for the second time in a row." the redhead stopped giggling immediately when Jade death glared her. 

After arriving at Tori's house, Jade parked the car and Cat went out bouncing to ring the doorbell. Jade got out not long after Cat, catching up to her as Trina opened the door. She was dressed with a short pink dress and high heels, like she was about to go out on a date.

"Hi Trina!" Cat said smiling and waving her hand at Trina

"Oh it's you two, Toriiii your annoying friends are here!" Trina shouted

"You have some nerve calling other people annoying when you know you are the most annoying person on earth." Jade said to the older Vega.

"At least I don't scare the chiz out of people all the time by acting like a freaking maniac!" Trina replied to Jade. 

"You're right, you don't. Cause you are too busy acting like a self centered fool" Jade told her smirking in a mocking way at Trina.

Trina just stuck her tongue out at her, heading upstairs passing Tori who was on her way down. When she saw Jade her eyes lit up, but tried to cover her enthusiasm as best as she could "Hey guys!" she said

"Hiiii Tor!" Cat replied and hugged the Latina.

After separating from the redhead, Tori turned to Jade lingering for a moment trying to understand if Jade would let her hug her as well. But Jade didt get the hint so she just crossed her arms. "I don't know how you're able to live with that gank of a sister 24/7. Without thinking about killing her every second of the day." Jade told her but mostly to hide the smile that had appeared on her face once she laid eyes on Tori.

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