~~Chapter 13~~

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I think I'm switching POV's around everywhere here. XD

"A car?"

He nodded and lied back.

"I want one but Mommy and Daddy said no."

"They are probably getting it for you. Don't worry your birthday is coming up."

"Will you get it for me, Auntie?" He looked down and played with his cup.

"Maybe, as long as you be good to your Mom and Dad."

He nodded and smiled.

He went to his closet and tried pulling a box out of the closet.

He landed on his butt and closed his eyes.

"Hey, why are you pulling a heavy box. You can get hurt."

I took out the box and put it in the middle of the room.

I lift him up and rubbed his pants.

"I want to play a dress up game with you Auntie." He lift his head up and clasped his hands.

"Lets play."

He took out cardboard, scissors and glue.

"I want to make a castle."

"Okay, lets do it. But I'll cut it for you and yo can glue the peices together with me."

He nodded and I walked out the room and see Violet watching TV.

"Wanna play with us?" I smiled and she waved me off

"The kid drains me everyday, he comes up with more thins to do in each day. I feel old."

"You're 22" I went into a drawer and took out a box cutter and tape.

"Well, have fun oldie." I laughed and joined Hyungjin in his room."

"Auntie." He handed me a construction worker hat and put his on.

"Okay, lets go." We began to start the process of making props for our skit.

As we worked together I learned about about all that's happened when I was gone.

I learned a bot more about Hyungjin after examining how he acts.

He is very committed to what he puts his mind through, yet he is sensitive among other things.

As I cut out each piece from the board he would struggle with the gluing process.

When he applied the glue carelessly, he ended up sticking his fingers to together and started to cry thinking he was going to die.

Violet ran up the room huffing.

"Baby, are you okay?!"She rubbed his face checking him.

"I-I'm stuck mommy." He sniffled and wiped his tears.

"It's okay, you're not Picasso."She laughed and Hyungjin dropped his head low.

"Hyungjin, glue is supposed to stick things together. That's why if it touches you you can get stuck to something."

I watched at Violet spoke to her son in an endearingly way.

"This is cute" I said.

"After you finish creating your stuff then you can go wash your hands because you'll just get them dirty." She pulls his fingers slowly away from each other.

"Be good." She patted his head paused at the door.

"If something happens I know you'll be able to take care of it. I'm tired." She began to rub her belly.

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