~~Chapter 7~~

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Took me centuries to do this. 🙄⬆️⬆️

"Namjoon, what's wrong? Another computer you want me to fix?" I stretched my back looking at the sky through the window.

"Um nope, not this time."

"What is it then?"

"Well, Jin hyung is sick and drunk and we can't take care of him right now."

"How is that my problem?"

"He said that only you can heal him. It was pretty adorable but he got mad when we came to his house. He had a high fever."

"Then bring him to the hospital."

"He doesn't want to."

"Are you serious Namjoon?"

"No, it seems like he wants to tell you something. I'll pass the phone to him."

"Don't pass the-

"I-I'm sorry Jiwon. But don't l-leave again." His voice raspy and dry on the other line.

Suddenly I felt a tug at my heart.

"Yeah, he's sick alright." I heard in the background.

"Guys, I'm coming."

"What did she say?" Jin mumbled to the guys.

"Um, nothing. Well, we should get going."

"Bye Jin hyung!" I heard a muffle and then a door closing.

"We'll send you the address."


I turned off my phone and told the others that I had to go.

"Can't believe I'm going to his house," I mumbled due to the extreme anxiety and entered the taxi.

"Wait, why am I going there in the first place? They just asked me to go there."

I brushed it off and told the driver the coordinates towards the familiar address, my heart rate increasing.

"It really is this house." I sighed and closed my door. I looked around and remembered all of my memories here.

I slowly walked up to the stairs and stood right in front of the door.

I lifted to my fist, but couldn't get myself to knock on the door.

I felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest. I knocked on the door and heard nothing.

I knocked once again and waited for ten minutes. Still, nothing.

I went through my bag and took my keys out, examining the key to this house. I never gave it back.


I unlocked the door and locked it behind me. When I looked up it was the same thing like five years ago.

I saw the Wii U that I and he played after I came back from that date with Seon. That same chair where I healed his wound.

Memories do last right? I missed everything here.

I didn't even realize what I was thinking about at that moment.

Before I could do a house tour, I remember what I came for. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

I heard nothing and decided to open the door.

There was Jin's sick body on the bed coughing and sneezing at the same time.

He groaned when he opened his eyes he saw me and quickly sat up.

Remember- Jin FF Book 2Where stories live. Discover now