~~Chapter 3~~

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As I was eating my lasagna, Namjoon put his fork down and raised his hand up.

"Who still thinks they have a chance with our dear Nonna here?" He smiled.

I put my fork down and looked around the table.

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and-

I looked to see who raised their hand and saw an utter surprise.

"Oh, Jungkook. You didn't raise your hand this time," Namjoon said.

"Wait, there was another time??" I said.

Namjoon shrugged and we turned our eyes to the young maknae.

He nodded and put more food into his mouth. "At first, when I heard you were with Jin hyung I still thought I could get a chance with you. We all did. But then, I noticed that you really loved hyung and you didn't want to let him go and he's been living with you for almost a year and I thought. 'There's no way I could ever get Nonna even if they broke up.'

Also, Jin hyung has loved you for years and there was no way anyone one of us can ever take hyung's, long-lost love. That's why I'm a bit frustrated by the fact that you guys aren't together and you really need him right now, and so does he."

Jungkook's words hit me like a truck. But I was still unable to understand the situation at hand.

My thoughts were interrupted when the boys' voices steered away from my thoughts.

"Ohhh! Our Kookie is grown up!" The boys cheered him on I nodded and looked towards Namjoon.

"Why did you raise your hand Namjoon?" I asked.

"I know I'm never getting a chance but at least I tried." He shrugged. Yoongi agreed along with him.

"Why didn't you raise your hand Jimin?"

"I'm gay so..."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me this?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Well, it was just recently. I met this guy. We're taking it slow at day and fast at night." He smirked.

"Holy shit Jimin!" Taehyung shouted.

"Gross hyung." Jungkook covered Jiyong's ears.

"Too late, I already heard it." He smiled.

I began to laugh at their reactions.

"Jimin is one hilarious guy!" I literally almost laughed my butt off.

"Wait, Jimin hyung was it smooth and fast, or raw and fast?!" Jiyong cackled along with me. Yoongi smiled holding his laughter.

"Y'all are gross." Namjoon got out of his seat and went to the restroom.

"Well, what's the answer?" I asked.

"Oh god. I'm going to church." Hoseok shook his head.

"Well, let's just say it's a secret." He smiled.

I nodded he opened his mouth to speak again.

"But, I really like him though, not only physically, but verbally and emotionally. He's an amazing guy. It's like I could talk to him for days and he wouldn't even care. He just liked to listen to me and help with anything. It's love, right? Being with the one you love the most because even when things aren't going right, you can be there for each other and face the challenges that rise ahead from you."

I soon frowned and look down on my nails.

Jimin was right.

Being with the one you want to be with the most is all you could ever ask for.

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