~~Chapter 8~~

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"Nonna, you look exhausted, also I'm loving the house." Jiyong follows me as I sit on the couch.

I groaned and ripped my hairband off making me look like a pile of trash.

"I'm so tired and confused." Picku soon jumps onto the couch snuggling in my sweater.

"This has been such a long day," I sighed as I pet her fur.

"It literally just started." Jiyong took my laptop and examined it.

"Can I play on it?"

"Sure, but that's my writing laptop." I took it from him and opened it up.

"You have two computers?!"

"Well, two laptops and one computer. I keep like extra files on my writing pieces on my computer so that I never lose it. But I play on my other laptop that I use for gaming and watching dramas and stuff."

"But you have a tv."

"I know. It's not that big but I use that to watch the stuff on the tv that's on tv." I took Picku and kissed her face enjoying her warmth.

"I want to ask you something but you'll probably say no."

"What is it?" I let go of my dog to let her roam around.

I gave him my full attention and he soon got nervous. "Ah, never mind. You'll probably be mad at me."

"What is it, come on."

"Okay. Can I have a laptop?"

I looked at him and he soon got quiet.

"Please, I don't-


-get bad grades and I never done anything bad..."


"Wait, you'll buy me a laptop?!"

"Yeah, you're my little brother."


I nodded and logged into my computer.

"Thank you, Nonna!" He hugged me and opened the TV.

"How it like in America's?"

"It's fun. I already know English. When I went to America, I had many interviews in America and wouldn't understand a single word those MC's were saying. It was hilarious and confusing. It took me a few months. Me being a BTS fan, also me knowing that Namjoon learned English through 'Friends', I tried it and it surprisingly works. But it's not only that watching American shows helps a lot."

"Okay, I don't care about how you learned English. Any juicy stuff, a hookup?"

I hit my brother on the arm and sat down.

"Nah, I don't have time for relationships or hookup stuff." I sighed and made myself comfortable in the chair.

"Well, now you do. There are many recipients that you can go on your quest of love with. But there will never be a top. Seokj-

I muffled his mouth and laughed. "What are you talking about?!" I stood up and went to my room.

My room was blank.

There was nothing annoying or extravagant about it. It was just boring and regular.

I took out my laptop and started to write.

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