38| Bride Preperation

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Akariko quickly dressed in her black dress and asked Himiko to tie her ribbon. Tophf had to slide on her heels. She brushed her black hair in its trademark bun. Akariko then sat in the chair to let Himiko do her hair. Himiko brushed her long brown hair. Tophf then assited. Tophf then began to do a big braid with a handful of he rhair then grabs the rest of her hair then ties it all up in a side ponytail. "There you go..." Tophf and Himiko said as they back away.  "Your hair looks nice Akariko..." The electric girl nods. "Yrah...but my Nee-Chan is gonna need to look nicer..." The three girls nod. "She must have gotten out of the shower by now...come on...let us go and beautify her..." The nod. The three girls then exited the bathroom of Akarikos room and leave the room conolelty 5 seconds later. Akariko closed the room door and exits last. The three girls began walking as theur balck dresses pushed against their legs due to the force being applied on it from walking. They eventually made it to the elevator. They enter and head uo to the floor before the top floor where all of the guys were except for Twice. Twice was waiting outside Tomura and Kayomis room since he was going to walk her down the aisle. They eventually step off the elevator. They walk through the hall. It was night and thencity lights were illuminated. They walk for a bit and see Twice lenaing agains the wall. They enter the room to see Kayomi wrapped in a towel and drying herself. The three girls enter the room and close the door. "Okay si lets beautify you!" Himiko says. They take off the towel from around her. They lead her to the bed that holds the clothes. She took the hint and puts on the black lacy undewear. The three other girls didnt seem to pay her any attention as to not make this situatuon akward. Then they began to dress her in her dress. Kayomi slipped her top self through dress. When its on her form they nod in approval as Akariko fixes some imperfections. Kayomi then sits onto the bed as Tophf knelt down. She digs tbrough the clith of the mermaid balck dress and eventually finds her feet. Himiko hands Tophf the shoes. Tophf then slips the heels with rhimstones on her feet. "There you go...now its time for your makeup!" Himiko said excitedly as Tophf stood up. They helped Kayomi up as they led her to her vanity in the room. They sat her down on the chair and began to work. Tophf pulled her hair back. Himiko began to do her face blush while Akariko started on her eyeshadow. Himiko puts the face blush down when finished.  Tophf began to brush her brown hair with one of the available brushes and combs. Akariko needed to coordinate while Himiko worked  on the mascara. When. Akariko backed up that gave Himiko morenspace to work on. Kayomi felt weird having all of the girls cloud around her like. She felt insecure about herself and wanted to hide. Tophf was holding back her hair. Akariko then got a a stick of red lipstick. She then applies it on Kayomis face. There was a small fade of black. Himiko backed from the eyelashes which were now. Akariko gives one more layer of lipstick. Luckily the three girls leanred how to do makeup from wathcing their mothers growing up. "Kayomi-Chan you look beautiful!" Himiko said happily. They then head next to Tiphf. "Its hair time!" Tophf then assigned the two their jobs.  Akariko was doing the bangs. Himiko and Tophf began styling the hair. Akariko left the curls frame hee face. Aakriko reaches for the plugged in curling iron and hands it to Tophf who uses it to curl the half she is dealing with. Himiko continues brushing the other half.

The guys were at the upper floor waiting. Tomura was standing in his spot. He was going to finally claim what was rightfully his complelty. He was growing a bit impatience with how long theyw ere taking with Kayomi. Giran was going to perfom the service. Every male was dressed up except for Tomura. Giran was holding a book and he looked at Tomura and Dabi. "Are you neverous Shigarkai....?" Tomura wouldnt say he was nervous...in actuality he was curious as to what would happen. Giran then spoke before he could say anything. "Im surprised you didn twant to dress uo nice for her...or does she prefer this look over somthing else..." Giran said referring to his black trnchcoat he dosent never want to seem to take off his long sleeved black shirt and pants that hug his firm along with the red sneakers new sneakers he had gotten since he was now able to activate his quirk through his foot. "No I just rather stay this way because I perfer wearing this....I just want them to hurry it up..." Girna then tells the young villain to be patient since they are young women. "Be patient Shigaraki....theyabre women....women have diffrent requirments than a man do and they take much mire time to prepare....besides you want you new wif eto look nice and pretty for you dont you...?' Giran sais as he gives his widest smile. Tomura rolled his eyes.

Kayomi stared in the mirror. Her hair was very nice. She had two big braids desending in to the rest if the hair. It was braided loose curls. The rest of her hair wnet down to the middle of her back. Akariko used the curl iron to curl one last of her framing curls around her face.  "There you go..."akariko backed away as Himiko and Tophf gently lift the hair in their hands. Himiko then begins to tie the thick ribbon around in the hair amd ties it in a bow. The long cloths srewn down her back. Her back was exposed due to the build of the dress but somwhat covered due to the ribbon in her hair. Akariko then grabs the veil and covers her face with it. Kayomi stares at Akariko. Himiko, Tophf and Akariko stare in shock. "You look so nice Kayomi-Can!" Himiko said impressed with her and the other twos work. "Well we better get goung simce they are waiting.....!" Himiko began headimg out towards the door with Tophf amd Akariko following close behind. "We will be waiting for you!" They run through the long hall. Twice then opens the door and looks in shock. She was absolutely gorgeous. He almost didmt let go of his shocmed expression. "Are you ready Kayomi...?" Kayomi stood up. She then heads to Twices side. She then takes his arm. She nods. "Yes I am ready..."

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