23| A Brothers Duty

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After the ordreal of the shaking dome the guards were shaken. This was an advantage gain for the Leugue. Dabi unleashed his blue flames upon the guards who dodged out of the way. One of the guards thought to themselves. 'If we were going to fight somone with fire we should have brought Aito with us..." One of the guards had a canon quirk since he was a big guy. Shiroya had to use hand to hand combat sine there was no stone in the vicinty only cement. The fat guard laughed at Shoriyas situation. "HAHAAHA AND SOULSTROKE SAID YOU WOULD BE A PROBLEM....YOU ARE MORE EASY THAN A LITTLE BUG...I CAN CRUSH YOU DOWN TO SIZE..." Twice was escaping the guard with spitting quirk with his measuring tapes.  Dabi was keeping the guard with the light manipulating quirk busy. The fat guard then jumped high in the air. Then when he landed it sent vibrations through the ground just like a little bit ago only they were inside the dome and not as intense but it was for the people inside the dome. Dabi went off balance and tge guard managed to land a good hit on him and knocking him back. Twice stipped dodging and was stucked by the large waves. "AHH THAT BASTARD..." Dabi says frustrated as he stguggled to get up. The audience outside the dome were cheering. Shiroya was knocked into the ground. He hit face first into the ground. The fat guard hen stepped on the back of his head as hard as he could. The crowd stopped cheering. They juat watched in shock. The kids were scared. A few babies cried. Todlers had tears coming down their face as they watched somthing scary. The fat man contiued to step on the back if his head. "I would be ashamed to have you as my nephew...and I would really be ashamed to have your sister as my niece..." He contiuned stepping on his head and puahing it into the ground. Dabi and Twice began continuing to fight and couldndt help him. Tophf comes Shiroyas mind and a nostaglic memory.

Shiroya stood and he was training with Tophf. They had ti fight against one another. They circled one another. Each side had the very resource that each of their quirk uses. On Tophfs side is. Earth and rock and Shiroya has Stone. Theu both got the signal from their uncle to fight. "HAJIME!" He yelled. Both used their quirks to allow thousands of floating objecrs to ebcome aiborne and fire it tiwarss one another. Tophf kicks all of the piecs towards Shiroya while he punches them. They then chagre towarss one another then they exchange quick blows. Shiroya caugh Tophfs foot and flipped her backwards. She did a backflip and landed on her feeet she harshley stepped on the ground. Then isntantly she pushed the earth towards him. He jumps ontop of it and quickly dashes to her. He gives her a quick hurricane kick and then kicks her down. Her head came in contact with the floor. "YAME!" Soulstroke says as Shiroya was 7 and Toph was 4. "You win again Shiroya...but remember one of these days Tophf will be able to defeat you...be prepared fir that day...you are both dissmissed..." He helps her up. Soulstroke leaves the traininv aread. "Big brother Shiroya...?" He looks at her curiously. "Will I ever be able to defeat you...because I feel as though you will always be stronger than me and you sill always have to protect me..." He kneeled down to her level. "Tophf you will be able to beat me one day...but it isnt that time yet...but for now...its my duty to protect you and it is my mission..." Tophf then blinked ip at him with her big doe grey eyes. "Your....duty...?" He then added quickly as to not make the conversation strange. "AND MISSION....IT IS MY MISSION AS YOUR OLDER BROTHER...." She then added in. "And your duty!" She giggled causing him fo blush.

~"Tophf you will be able to beat me one day...but it isnt that time yet...but for now...its my duty to protect you and it is my mission..."~

Shiroya then with blinding strength grbabed the ankle of the fat guard. The man stared down in shock. Shiorya stood up. His face was crushed and bloody. His nose was broken for sure. His hair was messy now and dirt was on his face. The fat guard tried to pull his leg away. The crowd outside the dome stared in shock and in amusment at the sudden turn of events. The guard screamed in pain as Shiroya began to crush his ankle. He then pucked the guard uo and flipped him over his head. The guard made contact with the ground with a crack sound.  Shiroya then feels diffrent and rocks in the ground began to float. "An Upgrade...NEAT!" Twice said. Dabi smirked pleased. "This is intresting..." The fat guard quickly jumos uo into the air. However Shiroya fires his rocks at him. Then he quicklymakes the rocks surround his bikt and gives the guard a swift kick to the head. The kick was hard and there was a very loud crack that could make a demon pee itself. The fat mans skull was destroyed. He lied on the ground, motionless. Shiroya looked at Dabi who was holding onto to a guards head. "Then blue flames erupted from Dabis hands as they bruned the guards head right of his shoulders. The final guard shook a the events. Twive knees the man in the air. Dabi quicky aims his fire and the man brley escaped. Howver his cliack go tcaught on ife and he began burning. He fell to his knees. The three men then walk over to him. Shiroya looked down on him. The man was still scremaing in pain. Shiroya then used his new abilty to control rocks. He stpped on the mancs face breaking the mask he was wearing. The other two men were dead. The fat mans head was crushed amd the other was bruned to a crisp. Rocks lcoked agains this face and suffocate him and his pulse us gone. The crowd then watched impress with the rseults of the fight. The domr dissappered.

Spinner and Compress finished figjting the two guards they were fighting. "We finished these punks...so where is everyone else...?"

Tophf and the girls were already running and the crowd of villains were following. "Where is Tomura and Kayomi-Chan!?" Himiko asked. Eveyone was searvhing for where Tomura and Kayomi was.

My Villain AcademiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon