31| Sneaky

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The Leugue sat in the view room of the city. Spinner, Shiroya, Dabi, Twice and Compress vame back from their mission of gathering finds and ate their foordm the city lights spreadws below like a carpet for the giant tower. They can see the lights from a distance of where they were. "Hiw many people live here in Osachi...?" Himiko asked. Tophf answered. "Over 500,000..." Akariko looked shock. "Incredible...thats so cool.." Kayomi was eating her food. She was sitting next to Shigaraki who was eating his food. Everyone was still in their day clothes. Spinner, Twice and Shiroya were telling Tophf about the mission while Dabi was giving the juciy info to Tophf. When they finsihed telling her about it Akariko stood uo from he rseat and walked over the small way to Himikos seat. She whispered somthing. Himikos eyes widen and her face turned red. Himiko then bursts out into laughter. The whole table looked confused. Shigaraki didnt even pay then mind. Tophf then asked. "Whats funny...?" Akariko made a hand gesture. "You know..." Akariko made hand signs facing one another and a weird squeaking noise. "OH...THAT...." Tophf said remembering what she was meaning to. The three girls bursted into laughter. Everyone else at the table looked at them either in confusion or annoyance. Shirgaraki was annoyed with their laughing. He ignored it. Dabi was confused as to why they were laughing so much. "WHATS FUNNY? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW!" Twice said eagerly. They then stopped giggling. "No nothings funny....we're good..." Kayomi couldnt help but stare at the girls as they sat back down in their seats still trying not to laugh. The night city filled outside and the lights distracted her from the fact that they were lying. She then continued ti eat her food.

After the whole odreal of having their first dinner all together since taking over the city Kayomi was in her and Shigarakis room preparing to take a shower. She hung up her sleeping Yukata on a hook. She began to und her obi. When it fell to the ground she heard the door open. She shivered. It it didnt take a genius to figure out who was there. "What are you doing...?" He asked in his raspy voice. She turned to him and regretted becuas he was lookimg at her with an eerie smile. She fought against ther fear despite them being on...you can say...intimate terms. "Im going to take a shower...its been a long time since I used these kinds of showers since I always took by baths in the hot springs..." He then felt his smile grow wider. "You dont mind if I join you do you...?" He asked so smoothly. She would have blsuhed there and became all stuttery but she didnt want to give him that satisfaction to increase his smile. "Um...I suppose so..." He keot his grin and came in the bathroom with her. Kayomi felt weird. She had finished removing her yukata. She peeked at him but he wasnt looking at her. He removed his black overcoat. He seemed to have respect for privacy on specif terms.

"IM GONNA BEAT YOU TOPHF!" Akariko said. Tophf then replied. "No your not...!" They were playing Waifu Kart Racers.  "Yes because I have a power up!" Akariko yelled. Tophf then realized Akarikos warrior kart was using its power to shock her kart and it caused her to get in front of Tophf. Himiko was watching them play while eatimg some popcorn. All the girls were in their sleeping clothes. Tophf then laughed a bit. "Very funny because I have my power up too!"  Akariko stared in shock. "No way." Tophf then clicked a few buttons then instanlty her character unlesshed a giant wave of rock which knocked Akariko off the track. She had to be placed back on by some flying genie. When she was released Tiphf crossed the finish line and one. Toohf jumped up on the couch and began cheering in victory. Akariko was a bit angry. She brushed it off. "Dammitd!" Akariko said while laughing. Himiko laughed at their antics. Tophf then sat down. The three girls sat down for a moment. "Im bored now..." Himiko nodded. She then lit up. "You wanna go spy on Tomura and Kayomi-Chan...?" They all look at her. "NEAT HIMIKO!" Akariko then spoke. Tophf then replied. "I know a way to get to their vents in theri room...follow me..." Tophf then hopped over the couch in Akarikos room. They followed her. 

When they eventually arrived in a vent that Akariko lit up a bit they didnt see them in there. "They are not here..." The three girls look at one another. "Wait a moment...if they arent in here then that means they..." They hear a faint sound. "Shower...." They whispered. "Come on...I know a way to get to that vent..." Tophd then began crawling more and quietly as to not make sound. They crawl for a few minutes and they climbed up a few times they eventually see a light from a vent. "This way..." They follow Tiphf deeper until all three of theur faces looked through the cracks of the vent. "We gotta be quiet because it will be then end of us if Tomura sees us..." Akariko nodded. "Same for me with my Nee-Chan..." They look. "We got a good view too..." Himiko said. They had already seen Kayomi naked before so they never cared. Tomura is wast worried them. Luckily theey could only see his waist and up. "Their kissing..." Tophf whispered. Himiko blushed as they watch the two kiss one another while the water hit their bodies. "How romantic..." Himiko whispered. Akariko cringed. She never thought her nee-chan would be in love. Especially not with the leader of The Leugue Of Villains.  She watched as the bizarre leader kissed her sister everywhere on her neck and she pushed dher head to the side. Tophf then spoke bealing the alward silence and the only sound being from the shower and Kayomis noises. "I feel bad for being sneaky and being pervy like this...its quite intrusive..."  They were close enough to the vent to see everything at a good view but not in fromt to make it ovious they were there. Himko then replied. "If this is going to be the life of the League from now on them im all for it..." She said. Akariko blushed in agreement. "Hey I wonder when Tomura and Kayomi-Chan are going to get married..." Akariko looked at Himiko. "STOP GETTING AHEAD OF YOURSELF..." Akariko wasnt against them getting married but geez she wanted to get comfortable living in the tower before any of that can transpire. Tophf giggled. "It would be nice since they are obviously in love with one another..." Akariko watched the two kiss one another with love. "Yeah...it would wouldnt it.." She said. She was so happy that her nee-chan found somone that makes her happy...and blush.

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