13| Heat Rising

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Shigaraki went into his given room. He sat on the couch at the bed end. He began to scratch at his neck in anger. He hasnt been this angry to the point he scratches his neck in a quite awhile. He kept asking himself in anger. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME...!" He growled in anger. Why was he feeling these feelings. He wanted to rest from them. The hole in his heart was throbbing with pain ans it was angering him. He didnt understand what these feelings towards this woman were. The flashbacks of her teaching him how to catch Ko fish with a kai stick came to his mind. His neck begins to bleed. He wanted to keep scratching himself but stopped. He reached in his opposite pocket of the overcoat that held his game console. He pulled out his father. He looked down upon the hand that he would usually wear on his face. He had lost majority of his families hands and only had a few of them left. He carefully squeezes his father. He was in despair. Thats all he could think about as he sat there all night.

The next morning was a new day. Kayomi opened her eyes to see it was very dark outside still. It was around 4 or 5 in the morning maybe 3. Kayomi sat up. She quickly got dressed for the day. She needed to start washing clothes. Dabi hasnt been back for 2 days and she wondered what was happening with him. She finds the dirty clothes basket to be filled. "Its Monday today so...its time to wash them.." Kayomi lifts the basket up and heads downstairs. Oddly enough it was super quiet. She reaches downstairs to see Akariko amd Himiko downstairs eating their breakfast. Akariko was much better from her sickness. "Where is everyone...?" Kayomi asks. Himiko replies. "The others went on a mission to gather finds and Dabi is still out scouting...the only ones here are me and Tomura..." Kayomi shifted. She nods and the girls continued their giggling conversation. Kayomi walked outside and she sees Tomura by himself sitting on the couch with his feet propped up. He was by himself. He was awake but looked like he didnt wish to be bothered. Kayomi turned her head as she began going towards the washing area where she washes clothing. Tomura watched her. Two things fell out of the basket without her noticing. He didnt pay attention to see what they were. He seemed to be in a sour mood. His neck was has a bit of dried up blood from his constant scratching from last night. He saw her pour some water in the big washing bowl and some soap. She. Then stirs it all up to create bubbles. He then sees her put his clothes in there first. He stares at her intently. She had out her hair up in a ponytail. He groaned in annoyance. The event of last night played in his head. He stood up and began marching towards her. He then stepped on a cloth. He looked at the ground in annoyance to see what it was. His eyes widen. It was her bra and underwear. He stepped back. His mind was telling him to give it to her. He hesitantly reaches for the two cloths he picks them both up. He holds them holding out one finger out. He he walks over to her. He then puts it im front of her. Her eyes widen. He drops the bra and underwear in her lap. Kayomi blushedm she turned around to thank him but he was walking away already into the house. Kayomi looked at her panties and bra and she felt heat rising in her. She has begun blushing.

Later in the day when she finished washing clothes she drops a basket off in everyones rightful room. She puts Himiko and Akarikos basket in Akarikos room. She then picksnup the remaining baskets. She then goes towards Shigarakis room. She held the basket that has his clothes inside. She opens the door to his room. She sees him on the bed playing on his game.  She was glad to see him enjoying the game she bought for him she slowly puts the basket on the floor. He was peeking at her from the corner of his eye. She then silently exited. Shigaraki looked at the door.

Akariko and Himiko were playing a game of dress up. Himiko was dressed in a pink shirt and a a skirt with some flat shoes. She was dressing Akariko in some clothes that would befit her as a villian. Himiko finished dressing her. Akariko was dressed in a skirt and a long sleeved top that expose dher stomach. She wore little matching sneakers. Kayomi seemed to walk in just as they began to laugh. "YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" Himiko said eagerly. Kayomi steps inside the room to see whay they were laughing about.  "What are you two up to...?" Akariko then answered. "We're playing dress up...!" Kayomi laughed a bit her words.  "Arent you two too old to be playing dress up...?" Akariko and Himiko look at one another and shake their heads. "Nope!"

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