17| Greetings

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Kayomi knew it was going to be a while before she ever returned to this hideout. She then decided to dress into a more appropriate outfit for her new descion to be a villain. She decided to stop wearinv her usual yukatas. She changed into a knee length dress thats black and its long sleeved. She put on some blood red leggings that covered up her feet. Then she put on some knee high black boots that had no heeled. There were spikes coming out at the point end of her foot. Kayomi looked in the mirro at herself. Her brown ahir was still down and she decided to curl it a bit more. When it looked more curly she put a black and red heaband in her hair and her hair began to look cooler. It had sinks in it due to the metal spikes stucking out on the headband and combing it back. She then looked good enough. She didnt put anything her hands so she could use her quirk. She then exited her bedroom. She sees Akariko and Toga talkimg to Dabi and Spinner. Akariko was in the oufit Himiko picked to be her villain outfit. The group nodded to one another they then walk down the srairs to meet with Shigaraki, Twice and Compress.

The Leugue was warped away from the hideout. This time bringing Akariko and Kayomi with tgem. They were all teleported to the Doctor. Akariko was put off by his insane desposition but shrugged it off. "NOW THAT ALL IF YIU ARE STRONGER WHAT SHOULD OUR FIRST STEPS BE...TOMURA SHIGARKAI...?" Shigaraki thought for a moment. He then gathered what he should. "We should gain our own territory...to increase our strength and infulence...we will kill anyone wbi stands in our way..." The doctor smiled at his words. "Good thinking on your part..." Dabi then interrupted. "Im still in the process recruting someone..." Kayomis eyes widen. "Recruiment...I know two people who are villains who will help us...they are old friends of mine and Akarikos..." The grouo turned their attention to Kayomi. "Friends...?" Himiko nodded. "Yeah one of them helped me put together me and Akarikos home using his Lithokinesis quirk...and the other one is his younger sister..." Himiko jumped excitedly. "Another girl!" Shigaraki then spoke. "Are they weak becuase of they are then they will be nothing but liabilities..." Akariko then replied. "No...they arent they both are pretty strong...especially the girl..." Akariko said shivering. Compress then asked. "Where do they live...?" Kayomi then replied. "In a city near Deika City, Osachi City..." Akariko then replied. "Osachi City is actually a good landmark for us to mark our own territory it has economy and really food escape routes througout the city it. also has good water sources and good weather..." Spinner looked impressed to her entire explanation. Dabi kept his usual same face but amusment sparked in his eyes. The Doctor then replied. "She is correct...In fact Osachi City is somewhere the master actually wanted to conquer and control...however he never had a chance to..." Shigarkai then felt confidence seep out of him. "Take us to this Osachi city then Doctor..." The Doctor then replied. "WAIT BEFORE YOU LEAVE...!"  He instantly turned his head to Akariko who froze in fear of the mad doctor. "GIRL...AKARIKO IS IT...!?" Akariko nodded slowly and wanted to cringe at how insane the guy was. Then out of nowhere some mechanical hands stretched out towards her. She watched as the hands were in front of her. "What the...?" She stared at a oair of whatever they were. "WHAT ARE THESE...?" She then hesitanty sees the hole in each twin object. She then sticks her arms in the holes and then the close and lock up on her arms. The rings began to float around them and electricity began to float around them. "THEY ARE GAUNLETS!" The doctir said. He then continued. "Your sister tild me about your quirk and what it does to your body and how it affects your arms so I took the liberty of making some gauntlets for you to prevent that liability..." The Leauge and Kayomi stood and looked in amazment. "WOW AKARIKO-CHAN THAT'S SO COOL!" Himiko said hopping in the air. Himiko had her blood sucking machine on her body and her mask wasnt on at the moment. She had out her duffle coat back on too. The Doctor then used his quirk. The balck stuff surrounded each member of the League. "I dont kniw the exact points to Osachi city but I can warp somewhere near it...you will just have ti find your way...!" Those last words were heard and they reappeared in the forest area.

They stood in the forest. Shigaraki groaned annoyed. He felt as though he went back to the title screen. Kayomi then looked at her surroundings. "I know where we are..." They then hear the doctors voice. "Im sending Machia ovdr to you as well..." Akariko and Kayomi looked to the group. "Machia...whose that?" Akariko asked. Compress was about reply. "Lets just say its-..." The ground began to shake violently. Thus was familiar to the Leugue. However Kayomi and Akariko had no idea what was happening. Kayomi held onto a tree. Himiko helped Akariko stay on her feet. Then a giant behemoth bursts out of the ground. Shigaraki stood tall not afraid whatsoever. Kayomi looked at the creature. She recognized him. She has seen him before. 5 years ago when she was 15 year old. "Master Successor..." The creature said. The doctor then spoke. "I believe Mrs.Kasugani and Machia have met before..." The Leugue turned their heads ti Kayomi. The creature seemed to notice where they were looking. "Its you!" Machia said with shock but with faint happiness that the League didnt catch since they were all so shocked. Akariko looked to Kayomi. "You've met him before...!?" Kayomi nodded. "Yeah...5 years ago..." She walked up past everyone. When she walked past Shigaraki he looked at her sideways but she didnt look at him. She was reunited with this creature whom she helped 5 year ago. Machia then put his head ti her level. The leugue stared in shock and Akariko shook her head not knowing what to do. "How have you been after all of this time...Gigantomachia...?"  She gently placed her feminine soft and delicate fair skinned and red nail painted hand on his face. The monster purred at her gentle touch. Himiko and Twice shouted in desbelief. "NO WAY!" The creature had the radio tied around his neck. "Her voice an touch is also just the thing to soothe him..." The doctor said. Shigaraki watched as she consoled the beast. He was visbly impressed with Kayomi and she intrigied him even further. His mind went to that recent passionate night. He never felt that way before and it mad him shiver. "Its good to see you again Machia..." Kayomi said as she slowly backed away to let Shigaraki go on with their intentions. "Machia..." Shiagraki said. "We are going to invade Osachi city..." Gigantomachia then growled. "I already hate the ruler of that place...!" He said in frustaration. Akariko asked. "Why...?" He then replied. "They tried to defy master!" He said in anger. The doctor then confirmed the groups suspicions. "Yes...the man that rules Osachi is rather...arrogant and ignorant..." He said recalling events from around 6 or 7 years ago. "The city is good economy but alot of it is filled with villains and rejected people and families...and the man that rules isnt fit to rule..." Kayomi says. Shigaraki then gets back on the main focus, slighlty annoyed everyone was going off focus. "Ok...Machia...I want yiu to stay put...but when you are needed I will have someone come for you...preferably Kayomi..." The beast was slightly angry since he couldnt join from the start but he had an idea why. If they were going to mark the city as their territory they would still want most of it to be intact. Shigaraki turned around. "Now...let us go..." Shigaraki said as Kayomi began ti lead the way towards Osachi.

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