4| Medicine

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After the little events that transpired in the Hot Spring everyone got out and puts on their clothes they have been given to sleep in.  Kayomi puts on her sleeping Yukata and ties it with a smaller Obi. She remains barfoot.  Akariko puts on a simple long sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. Toga puts on some of Akarikos extra clothes. "Wow these are so cute!" Toga says putfit she is wearing.  Toga begins putting her hair up in its usual messy buns.Akariko puts her hair up in its side ponytail. The petite girls then ran inside. Kayomi dried her hair and walked inside. She was going to need to gather water in the morning to clean everyones clothing. When everyone went inside they went to their own room since they are guests. Himiko insisted that she share Akarikos space. Everyone walked up the stairs. They all went to their specified room to relax after. Taking a nice long relaxing bath that most definitely released a whole month and a halfs stress. Kayomi went into her room. She went towards her mirror. She brushed her hair gently the tangles were coming loose from the wavy hair. She finished brushing it and puts the brush down. Everyine retreated to their room. Kayomi then exits her room quietly. She then silently walks down the sleek wooden stairs as not to disturb anyone who decided to get right into sleeping. When she reached the bottom sh lit on a lantern that was on a sidetbale by the end of the stairs. Someone was sititng on the couch. "What are you doing...?" She knows who this is. It was Shigaraki. "Im just getting some water...." She said this a she searchd for a cup and turned on the sink that had a link to the waterfall and filled it with water. She turned it off.  She chugged it down. She sat the cup back down then went into the living room. "Why are you doing this....?" Kayomi looked at him. "Why am I doing what...?" He then made a sound that hinted he was growing impatient. "Why are you helping us...?" He said this in a demanding tone. Kayomi then sat on the couch next to him and se the lantern down. "Im only helping you since you said you needed help..." He then grew agitated with her answers. He then grabbed her neck and began to choke her with four fingers leaving one out. He began to speak clearly. "You know, I can easily disenegrate you in seconds if I like..." He says this while squeezing a bit hard. Kayomi wrapped her hands around his wrist. "I know who you are....your Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the Leauge Of Villans....your quirk lets disenigrate anything you touch witl all fingers...There isnt anyone in japan that dosent know your name..." He softens his grip. He then stares her in the eyes. Her brown eyes lock with his red ones. She looks at his face in fascination. It was dry and his eyes had rings around them. His skin was a tinnged and slightly like a yelowowsih tinge color. His leips were uneven and cracked and he has a mole. He was wearing a balck long sleeved shirt and some black pants. For some reason he put shoes on.  The rings arounf her eyes concerned her. "Are you taking care of yourself...?" The question shocked him. "I dont care about that...." Kayomi unravels his hand. "Please take better care of yourself...I have something for your eyes....my Father and sister used to get them around his eyes all the time...." She quiklckly hops and runs into thr kitchen before coming back with a bottle of ointment. He was confused with her before he saw applying the stuff on his eyes. It felt good he had to be honest. She finished. "There you are..." She screws the cap back on. He looks at her not knowing what to say. They both are face to face. Kayomi then spoke. "If you would like me to I will give you some more of the medcine tommorow...if it is not working and it is getting worse please let me now...have a good night...." She picks up the ointment and carries with her. She bows to him. She then begins walking up the swirled stairs. Shigaraki sat there stunned. She was annoying him and angering him but now she is giving medicine. "This woman is strange...."

Kayomi walked towarss her room. She then hears a voice. "Where are you going...?" She stops already knowing who it is. "Im going to retire..."  The voice replied. "You seem nervous...whats the matter...?" He vets into her personal spance which causes her to becime really uncomfortable. "Nothing...what do you want...?" She asked curiously. He then replied honestly. He traps her agast the wall with one hand to her side. He then begins to whisper in her ear. Now she was a short woman 5'6 3/4. "You have been healimg and helping everyone else...but you havent given me any medicine and you do realize im injured too...I have so many scars and yet you havent given me any attention..." She then replys. "Since you injuries seem very old, I cant do anything about them....but I can give you ointment...Ill makr an ointment for you tommorow so I can apply it for you if you like...Dabi" she says this as he smirks and locks eyes with her. "And maybe I just may give you a reward..." He begins stroking her hair.  "No thank you..." She says declining. Dabi still never loses his amusment. "My offer is always open...Goodnight Doll...." He pulled away from her. He had smelled of smoke and burning flesh. The male walked down the hall in the clothes she provided to him. When he entered his room and closed the door behind him she lets out a sigh and her breathbshe didnt realize she was holding. 'Doll...?' She then sees Shigaraki go into his room. When he closes the door it makes her go inside her own room. She quickly shuffled to get ready for the morning. She pulled out her outfit and placed her days outfit in the basket in her room with everyone elses clothes. She had alot of clothes to wash in the morning. She then dimmed her rooms lights. She decided maybe she should put windows in the house so she can know when its day and nightime. Shs quickly gets under the covers and goes to sleep quickly.

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