29| Shopping Day (Part 2)

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The girls walked in a Yukata store to see a large variety of Yukatas. "My Nee-chan will love it here..." There were long ones, short ones, sleeping ones, there were gete sandals, some socks. "Wow...so many pretty colors...!" Himiko then turned to Akariko who was holdimg the two heavy shopping bags from the clothing stors that contains their boxes of shoes 13 pairs of shoes. "Lets go get her about 4 yukatas...what are her favorite colors to wear with Yukatas...?" Akariko then replied "She really likes dark blue and royal blue...but lets only get her two of thise because I want her to try somthing a bit diffrent..." Himiko jumped. "Right Tophf look for a long one she can wear. Tophf nodded and headed to the long Yukata section. Himiko and Akariko looked in the section eagerly. 'two Yukatas...' Then she heaes Himiko. "What about these ones...?" Himiko pulls out two short Yukatas. One was royal blue and there were dark blue butterflies on it with a purprle obi while the other one was black and had dark red butterflies with ha red obi. "Those look very nice. "Yeah I was thinking she and Tomura-kun could match ~FUFU~..." Akariko sweatdropped. "Yeah..." Then Tophf came over with two long ones. "Here...these ones..." One of them was Mindingt blue with black flowers with a black Obi and the other one was black with red flowers and red obi. "Nice!" Akariko said. Tophf then spoke. "I also picked up two pairs of socks and two pairs of gete sandals..." Akariko gave a small celebration inv victory. "Alright come on lets go get this stuff."

The girls wslked out and this.time Tophf was holding the bags. She was jolding them with one arm. "You guys wanna get somthing to eat...?" Akariko aksed. They all nodded. "Yeah!" They went into the food court area of the mall and ordered some dumplings and Himiko asked for some dessert as well. So Akariko aksed for each girl to get one slice of strawberry white cake much to Himikos sweet delight. Tophf then asked as she set her bag beside her. "What time is it...?" Akariko pulled her phone out. "Its 1:07..." Himiko then asked. "Wow we have been here for 3 hours...." Himiko was dipping her dumplings in soy and plopping them in her mouth. "This tastes so good!" Tophf rhen replued. "Thats Osachis economy for ya...see even Villains like us can make a healthy society..." It was almost as if it was the liberation army. "Everyone in the city knows one another..." Tophf said. Akariko then asked her in disbelief. "Really...everyone knows each other...?" Tophf nodded. "Yeah...its because everyone in this giant city understands one another for being rejected...shoot...Osachi is filled with so many rejects that the city isnt even on the heroes radar..." Himiko and Akariko stared. Himiko then ate the strawberry on top of her cake. "This is my type of city then..." The group nodded.

After filling their stomachs they carried themselves and all their bags to the next store. They come across a womans undergarments store. "Lets get some undewear and bras...that what us women need...!" Himiko said blushing. They nodded and went into the store. Holding the four bags Akariko was a bit slow because of how heavy the first two were but brushed it off. Himiko looked in the pink section with many pink bras and underwear her size. She picked out around five undewear and five bras. Tophf was looking for red ones anf maybe even gold ones. "This ones are nice..." She picked up five pairs of underwear and bras. Sge then headed towards Akariko who had picked out her stuff already. "What are you looking for...?" She then replied. "Somthing for my nee-chan..." Himiko picked up a matching lacy bra and underwear that were both midnight blue. "These ones..." Tophf looked around for a minute before picking a set of black bra and underwear that wer quite adorable. "Wow thats so cute..." Himiko said blsubing and hopping on her shoes. Akriko picked uo 3 other pairs that were either black or blue. "Okay...lets go..."

They walked out the store and Toga was holding the 4 small bags in one hand. "Okay...lets go to a swimsuit store then a video game store...then we are leaving..." Akariko said. They walked through the mall and they up the escalator when they saw the swimsuit store was upstairs. When they reached the top they walked towards the store. When they walked in they were fascinated with all the many swimsuit designs. "One swimsuit per person..." Himiko then caught the eyes of a red swimsuit with bows on the sides and a top that was tied in the front. "I already know which one I want that one is so cute!" She runs towards it leaving Akariko and Tophf. The two girls looked at one another and shrugged. They then began walking to look around to find the swimsuit they want. Akariko looked around the at the purple section. She wanted to have a skirt. Her wishes came true when she sees a purple skirt trimmed with yellow with a matching top that was supported with one shoulder strap. "That will work...!" Akariko said. She picked the swimsuit up. Tophf walked next to her. "Got mine...!" She said. Himiko then replied while going towards the pair. "We need somthing for Kayomi...!" They nod. There were so many outfits to choose from. After a few minutes all if the girls were stumped. "Whats somthing that will fit Kayomi...?" Akariko looked around until she found a plastic model that had on a swimsuit. The top was royal blue and midnight blue and the shoulder strapes were connected to the bra. By golden rings. The back of the top was togehter by a golden ring as well. The top would show the sides and bring out the valley of ones breasts. Then the underwear was midnight blue and was held together by golden rings on the hips. There was. A wrap around her waist. Then it also had a sunhat with a blue ribbon tied and it was hanging off the sunhat. The girls look at one another. "WE ARE BUYING IT!"

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