12| Goals

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After dinner everyone took their usual dip in the bath. Akariko left her hair down so she could wash it from that gunky black stuff. She was standimg in the waterfall. Of course it wasnt actually in her hair bit the smell was lingering on a bit. Himiko was chatting with Akariko. They then see Kayomi cut herslef on the rocks. She begins to bleed a little bit. Himiko sees this.  "Oh Nee-Chan you cut yourself..." Himiko licked her lips at the sight of freash blood. She them got closer and smelled it. "Kayomi your blood smells so good...!" Akariko and Kayomi look to her confused. "Thank you...?" Didnt know what to say. She thought it was just the warm water talking since the hot water they are in is soothing. "Can I have a taste...?" Kayomi was shocked. "What now...?" Akariko raised her eyebrow. Himiko replied. "Only for quirk reasons..." The both thee women understood. They then ask the curious question. "What is you quirk...?' Himiko then replied. "My quirk is callwd Transform and I can turn into anyone by drrinking their blood...clothes come with the transformation...I can turn into them as pong as their blood is in my system...If I have multiple peoples blood in my system I can turn inti any of those people...Howeverer when I turn back or I run out if time I go back to normal and then Im left completly naked which is embarassing..." Kayomi nodded. "I suppose if its for your quirk..." She then held her finger out. Akariko thought to herself. "My Sister is a strange person..." Himiko licked the dry blood and sucked her finger dry. She then backed away savouring the taste. "Your blood is so yummy Kayomi....its so pure and rich..." Kayomi looked away and her face was red. "Thank you..."

After their bath they all went and did their own thing. Spinner, Compress and Twice put their need to be washed clothes in the big basket. Twice then chats with Toga and Akariko in her room. Akarikos feeling better enough to play Waifu Warriors. Twice decided to watche them play to see what made these games so thrilling to everyone. Dabi had left again to go meet with the secret person he is close to bringing to their side for another meeting. Spinner and Compress talk with one another as They have tea that Kayomi had made for them. They talked about contacting Giran so he can do something about the mechanical arm he has. They wanted to have tea in the kitchen. Shigaraki sat on one of the outside couches outside since he said be wanted to be by himself. He was playing his game as usual. He then hears the door open. Someone was coming outside. He didnt bother to look to see who it was. He had an idea who it was since they sat next to him and had a attractive cherry blossom smell he usually smells when he is near this particular person. Kayomi sets the platter down on the table in front if the two. Shiagraki suppoerted his arm with one knee and the other was folded under the other one. He didnt pay Kayomi any mind. The woman sat down next to him. "Its not water or Tea...its liquior..." She had got him the golden colored brand that he said he liked. It was the same one Kurogiri would make for him when he was still around.  It had been officially 2 1/2 months since Kurogiri was captred and 1 3/4 since The Leugue has been stabalized.  Her brown hair flowed down to her lower back. It wasnt curly but it was curled. "Shigaraki...If you dont mind me asking...what is your goal...as a villian...?" The question was un expected. Her plump pink lips twitched slighlty. She thought she angered him since he paused his blood slaughtering game. He tucks it away in his overcoat pocket. He then spoke in his usual raspy voice. "I intend to destroy society...alltogether...I hate everything" She began to litsen to him vent. He began to smile insanley which caused her to blink in shock. He was just currently wearing his black long sleeved shirt and pants and his overcoat that she mended. He was also wearing his shoes. He begins to vent. "Everything that breathes...It just pisses me off...I all rubs me the wrong way..." He then turned to look at her. "Thats why I want to destroy everything..." Kayomi nodded. She then asks. "What about your League....do they get what they like destroyed...?"  He then replies to her words. "They are an exception....they should get what they want out of life..."  Kayomi smiled at his words. "That is very thoughtful of you to think of their happiness..." She says this with a sad smile. She picks uo her teacup and drinks out of it. He then felt a little curiousity over take him too. He wasnt going to give his intentions without hearing hers. "What are your goals...your intentions..." Shigaraki asked. He looked at her intently studying her every move. Kayomi then replied. "I honestly dont know...I havent really have had time to think about it since I have veen so busy taking care of Akariko for the past 10 years...K have always been considered a weird person...Thats never really connect with other people..." Akariko answers him honestly and truthfully. She then locks eyes with him. Crimson eyes stares at dark brown ones. "Thats why when you lot came around even though had only just met you all, I felt needed and I felt wanted...I honestly didnt care you all are villians...you lot very kind to me...and accept me...and that is more important to me than anything else...That became even more clear met the doctor a few days ago...Thats why from here on out im going to devote myself to your Leauge Of Villians..." He was taken aback by her explanation. He wasnt expecting any of those words out of her mouth. He found her sense of view admirable. He stares deeply into her eyes. That same annoying heat began rising inside of him. It felt as though he was going to be consumed by it. He carefully moves his his hands towards her face. He was going to touch her face. She just stares back at him. His heart was beating a bit faster. Hers was beating faster. She wondered if he could her her hearbeat. He then touches her cheek with four of his fingers. Her skin was so soft against his dry skin. "You have...lips...." He said in his raspy voice.  Hencupped her chin and ran his thumb across her bottom pink lip. He inches hisnface closer to hers. He got closer and closer to hers. He moved his hand away. Their lips early touch before he backed away quickly realizing what he was doing. He frowned. It wasnt directed at her. He seemed angry. He stood up. He didnt say anything to her. He stomped into the hideout in a rage. Kayomi watched she then decided it was about time she clened these drinks up. She finishes drinking all of her tea. She poured out his drink that she got for him. She put her hand on the cheek he touched with four fingers. She closed her eyes endearingly. She then stood up and went inside intending to retire for the night.

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