2| A Valuble Asset/Piece

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Akariko leads the grouo to the front of home. The group had to stip and admire the well made structure. They looked at the giant Koi pond with countless of edible fish inside. There was a bamboo piece filling uo with water and pouring into the pond. The rocks and flowers and leaves decorated the pond. Akariko then asked. "Amazing isnt it...My Kayomi Nee-Chan made it herself..." The group looked at her in confusion. As she slowly opened the door. She gestrues for them to come inside. They were hesitant for a moment but entered.  They were amazed by the artecture and the beauty of the inside despite their faces not showing it. However Twice voices it. "This is Cool...IT SMELLS LIKE  SOAP PRODUCTS IN HERE...!" He talks in his split personality. Akariko then speaks. "Please lay your friends on the couches and have a seat yourselves...im gonna go get my Kayomi Nee-Chan..." The red faced girl says as she turns around. She felt weird feeling all of their eyes on her as she walks up the stairs.

Kayomi was in Akarikos room cleaning and just finsihed. She was wearing her thick knee length Yukata dress and her Yukata Obi. It had Blue butterfluies ans flowerson it. Her mathimg Geta sandals were on her feet. She then heard the door open. Akariko walks in causimg Kayomi to glare. "You were supposed to clean your room..." Akariko snickers. "So sorry Mom..." She syas this with sarcasm. Then she got a serious look which onstanlty made Kayomi get serious as well. "Whats wrong...?" Akariko explains the situation to her. As she explains Kayomi shifts from angry to scared. Kayomi then replies. "The Leauge Of Villains...?" She nods. "Yeah...and two of their three of them are hurt...and they said if you are un helful...then they will kill both of us...."  Kayomi shivered. She nodded. "Okay...take me to them..." Akariko and Kayomi walked out the room. They walk through te long hall of the second floor and head downstairs. When they reach the bottom. They see Majority of the group sitting on the couches and the injired ones lyrimg down. The bodysuit man seemed to ve talking to himself. He calls jimself Twice.  Then scarred seems to notice the two women when they made it down and so dies the rest of the Leauge. Akariko then speaks to them. "This is my Kayomi Nee-Chan...she is going to help you guys with your injuries..." Kayomi bowed her head. Her brown eyes llooked at the grouo of people. The Lizard mn had his legs crossed amd was leaning agaisnt the wall. The scarred man with blue eyes was staring attentivley in Kayomis direction with a perverted smirk plastered on his face. Then their leader. He has one foot propped on the coffee table and and the other on the couch. His hamd cuppikg his knee...although a chunk of one of his hands is gone. They all looke exhusted. Kayomi then spoke. "Please bring your friends and follow me...." Kayomi then turned and heads up the stairs along with Akariko. The group helps with Toga and Giran and follows.

A now naked and covered Toga lies on one of the futons next to Giran whi was on the other Futon covered up yet bare. Shigaraki was sitting in a chair waiting for his turn. The rest sat and watched. They were amazed with how calm Kayomi was being. She had washed the blood off Toga and Giran. Telhe unconcious girl was clean now. Then Kayomi puts her face in front of Toga shocking everyone in the room. She then blows on Togas face. A few seconds pass. Then isntantly all the cuts and injuries on her body began disappearing gradually. Everyone in the room was impressed. Toga then instanty stabilized her breathing. Twice then broke the silence. "WOW! HER CUTS ARE GONE...!" Then Spinner remarked. "Impressive..." Compress was also astonished. Kayomi then spoke. "All she needs now is sleep..." She then stamds up and walks past Dabi who was smirking at her in amusment. She kneeled down beside Giran. The broker was sleeping already. Tjen she gets im his face and blows on him. Kayomi had always loved her second quirk....it was so helpful. Then isntantly all his injuroes faded. Then everyone in the room eyes widen in shock. His fingers were growing back now. When he was complelty healed Kayomi stood up. She then teneded to Shigaraki. Rhe leader of the group starred blankly at her. She then points to a towel and a bowl with a liquid inside. "Akariko...." The youmg girl was now dressed in her qiaposyled long sleeved shirt and short skirt similar to Togas. She had on gete snadals too. Akariko had her hair in its usual side ponytail. She puts the bowel on the table next to Shigaraki. She then picks the towel up and squeezes the water out. She begims washing his face. Shigaraki felt annoyed with having someone cleaning his face. When she finsished she put the towel. Back in the bowl. She then took his hand. She picks up and wrings the towel out again.  She then cleans the hand with blood all over it. She then gets close to his face. She locked eyes with him. He felt something weird within him. Before he could analyze it she blew on his face. His blue hair blew on her blow. Then the scars on his arms and his fingers on his hands begin to grow back. "Now...I have 5 6 guest rooms here and you guys can pick which ever you want...you may stay here as long as you want...If your hungry Ill be happy to make something" She had no choice but to give those words. They could kill her without any effort. She stood up. When she said make somthing it caught Twices attention. "PLEASE CAN YOU MAKE ANYTHING...IT DOSENT MATTER...IM JUST STARVING!" He follows her and Akariko out the room. Shigarakis eyes narrowee a bit. "Doctor...this womans quirk restored my hand...and Girans fimgers..." Daruma Ujiko chuckled. "Thats intresting...she just may be a new valuble asset to you Tomura Shigaraki..."

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