Who Were They?

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Over the past few weeks I've become insanely curious about our family. No not our new one, but our biological one. Peter and Via never really mentioned who our parents were, and they never really talk about them at all. As if they were dusted from existence. So I've decided. If the twins aren't going to bring up our parents then I will. I walked into the living room where I found Peter and Via playing Mario Kart against Clint and Rhodey. Peter was in the lead.

"Hey Peter, Via, can we talk for a minute?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah just give us a second to finish this race. We'll meet you in your room." Peter responded kindly. I went back to my room and sat on my bed, waiting for my siblings to arrive. A minute later I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." Via and Peter walked through the door and sat down.

"You wanted to talk?" Peter asked and I nodded

"What's up little bro?" Via asked. I took a deep breath and knew it was now or never.

"Who were our parents?" Via and Peter looked at each other wide-eyed, as if they knew I would ask this one day, which they probably did.

"The truth is Harley, we don't actually know. We were only three when they left us. I don't know about you Pete, but I don't really remember. I can barely remember their looks alone!"

"Same here. Whenever I think back to it, all I see are blobs of a tall man and a shorter woman. I do remember their names though if that helps." I nodded sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Mom and Dad's names were Richard and Mary Parker."

"Well maybe you should do a bit of research, find out for all of us." Via smiled before the twins left my room. I thought about where I could start my search when it clicked in. SHIELD. They have files on anybody and everybody on Earth. But in order to look for specific ones you have to get into the SHIELD headquarters, which is obviously no easy task for a normal human. But for someone with spider powers, camouflage, and paralysis powers, it might be a little easier. So I made out a plan.

My Plan
Step 1: Steal my upgraded suit from the lab.
Step 2: Sneak out of the Tower.
Step 3: Swing a few blocks close to SHIELD's headquarters.
Step 4: Camouflage and sneak into SHIELD undetected.
Step 5: Find the file room and look for Mom and Dad's files.
Step 6: Steal the files and escape undetected.

It should be simple, but all easy things don't come without a challenge. The first three steps were a piece of cake, I was in and out of the lab in less than a minute, in less than five I was out of the Tower swinging towards SHIELD. Now this is where things get tricky. I 'activated' my camouflage and swung towards the headquarters, being sure to watch for the security cameras. I made my way in through the vents, and crawled around quietly until I found the file room. Once I had found it, I carefully opened the vent and used an electric web to shock the camera, disabling it. This distracted the guy who was guarding the file room. I used the distraction to paralyze him before webbing his eyes and ears so he couldn't figure out what I was up to. Once I was sure the coast was clear I dropped into the room and began looking for the files with last names starting with 'P'. This took me about half and hour so I reinforced the paralysis and webbing on everything, camera included, just to be safe. I found the files that contained the information about Mom and Dad, before swinging back into the vents, and just in time too. Just after I get into the vents none other than Nick Fury and Maria Hill come in. If they see me it's game over, but if they notice the guy or the missing files, the worst that's gonna happen are the alarms going off, making it harder for me to escape. Thankfully luck was on my side, they didn't notice me but the alarms were set off, it was time to get out of here now that I had the files. I snuck my way out of the headquarters undetected. Thank you camouflage. I safely swung back to the tower, where I read the files and learnt that my parents were SHIELD agents themselves. I saw their photos. I can rest easy, knowing they were great people. Then it hit me.

Harley Stark-Rogers, super spy.

WHAT'S THIS?! TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?! I just really wanna get to the final plot. :3
Tomorrow we will return to your regularly scheduled program.

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